A mid-summer celebration!

On 27th June, members of the Human Rights and Democracy Forum convened for our annual Away Day. This year we were joined by Dr Rachel Fenton, Exeter Law School’s Director of Business, Enterprise and Innovation. During the morning Dr Fenton gave us some invaluable insights into external engagement and supported us in a workshop as we discussed various ideas. The afternoon session included three excellent and informative presentations on works close to completion. Presentation topics were:

Dr Swati Gola – “Coloniality and Epistemic Injustice: a study of India’s traditional healthcare system”. Dr Emma Marshall – “Legal scholar-activism and researching for policy reform and litigation”. Dr Raawiyah Rifath – “Credibility Assessments and Trauma-informed Methods” in asylum application assessments. The day was a real celebration of some of the fantastic work of HRDF members and a chance to get together and reflect.