Name of Student:  Alice Dunsmore

Degree Subject: BA Geography with European Study

Type of Internship: Green Consultants Scheme

Company Name: Sutton Council

Job Title: Green Consultant

Description Of Company: London Borough of Sutton Council offers a range of statutory services to the local community.

What were your key duties and responsibilities during your internship?

I had two main duties during my internship. One of them was to go through an environmental report and write justifications for actions in a manner which the general public could comprehend. I also rang all schools in the borough and tried to get them to separate waste and food waste, this also caused me to set them up with a specific waste collection company.

What outputs and outcomes did you deliver for your employer?

Justifications for report and arranged food waste collections in all schools in the borough.

 What was your biggest achievement on your internship?

My biggest achievement on my internship was reducing food waste in over 70 schools and nurseries.

 What did not go so well on your internship? How did you overcome any challenges?

My internship was very positive. I felt a little lost as the internship was remote and not in person however, I had a really nice team who helped me feel very welcome.

Skills Learnt: 

  • Communication
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Negotiation
  • Persuasion

Attributes Developed:

  • Initiative
  • Perseverance
  • Commercial Awareness
  • Confidence
  • Motivation

Your message to other students considering a similar job role, organisation or sector?

“I would highly recommend working alongside the Council in the sustainability sector. The Council has real power to be able to make significant and positive environmental change, so working alongside them has possible significant outcomes for the reduction of climate change and saving the environment for the future.”