Name of Student:  Lauren Freer

Degree Subject: BA Geography

Type of Internship: Green Consultants Scheme

Company Name: Court House Care Home

Job Title: Green Consultant

Description Of Company: HC-One is a care home group. HC-One’s mission is to be the first choice care home for Residents and Colleagues in each of the communities we serve. We hope to achieve this mission through providing the kindest possible care to Residents. Founded in 2011, our objective is to make a real difference to the lives of older men and women in communities throughout the UK. With over 300 care homes, we’re proud to provide positive, personalised care and support to more than fourteen thousand Residents who live in our homes, encompassing memory care, nursing, residential and specialist care. At HC-One, we’re pleased to work with, train and develop more than twenty thousand caring Colleagues who deliver round-the-clock care and support.

What were your key duties and responsibilities during your internship?

My key duty and responsibility were looking at their clinical waste and other waste such as their recycling.

What outputs and outcomes did you deliver for your employer?

I produced and wrote a brief on my findings and spoke about the loose ends I had found. I also provided a list of adaptations the business could take on board to improve their sustainability.

What was your biggest achievement on your internship?

I learnt a lot about waste and how important it is to distinguish different types as this can impact the sustainability level of a business. I also thought putting together the brief was an achievement as it consolidated all of the work from the week.

What did not go so well on your internship? How did you overcome any challenges?

I found calculating the carbon footprint too difficult and needed to speak to professionals who helped me.

Skills Learnt: 

  • Ability to Work Under Pressure
  • Organisation
  • Decision Making
  • Researching
  • Time and Workload Management

Attributes Developed:

  • Initiative
  • Perseverance
  • Professionalism
  • Confidence
  • Motivation

Your message to other students considering a similar job role, organisation or sector?

“I would definitely recommend applying for a job role similar to the one I undertook as I was able to gain a glimpse into a professional atmosphere. It was interesting to see how the professionals dealt with tasks and how they made decisions based on their business’s goals and aspirations. The job provided valuable experience that I will definitely take forward into future jobs.”