Name of Organisation: University of Exeter – History

Name of Employer: Ryan Hanley

Job Title: Lecturer in Modern British History

Internship Scheme used: Graduate Business Partnership (GBP) , Access to Internships (A2I) 


“Our GBPs produced a database of race relations reports published in the UK. This will form the basis of a new research thread, including a planned PhD studentship and public-facing database. Discussions are underway with the National Archives to realise the next stage of the project.

Both interns were more successful in identifying and cataloguing the report than we anticipated – the database now has over 600 entries, with many more leads still to come. This represents an impressive feat of research in itself, and it will lay the foundation for a major new academic project.

The students were invaluable members of the team: motivated, committed, and able to work independently towards the objectives. They even helped to define the parameters of the research project we were working on. The internships team were likewise fantastic.

While I could not offer my interns a job at the end of the project, I am more than happy to provide them with references and encouraged them both to consider pursuing research as a career. I’m very happy to note that one of them is moving into a Policy Advisor role at the end of the summer – I like to think this project gave her some useful experience to discuss in the interview!”