Name of Student: Jemima Unsworth
Degree Subject: English
Job Title: Family First Nights Assistant
Company Name: Mousetrap Theatre Projects
Type of Internship: Access to Internships (A2I)
What were your key duties and responsibilities during your internship?
I assisted across the entire four month programme.
My roles included
– processing applications
– registering organisations.
– liaising with box offices, marketers, and producers.
– solving queries
– organising the launch event.
– assisting with work shops.
– creating resources for the programme.
What was your biggest achievement on your internship?
Processing 270 of the 300 applications and organising the launch event.
Were there any challenges and how did you overcome these?
I felt overwhelmed at points with my workload but was able to open up about this to make my work load more manageable.
Skills Learnt:
- Strategic Planning
- IT
- Networking
Attributes Developed:
- Creative thinking
- Independence
- Work Ethic
- Professionalism
Your message to other students considering a similar job role, organisation or sector?
“My internship has been life changing. Being at Mousetrap has opened the door to working in the theatre industry and highlighted the importance of working on a large scale project which changes so many lives. My internship was multi layered and gave me a 360 experience of working on a project from beginning to end. My skills have helped me get a full time job at Mousetrap.”