Name of Student: Ana Lataria 

Job Title: RE in Scandinavia Research Intern 

Company Name: University of Exeter HASS 

Description of Organisation:  

The School of Education has a vision of education values learning in its broadest sense as an interdisciplinary, personal, social, professional and lifelong endeavour. We are committed to excellent teaching and research within a scholarly, diverse, creative and safe environment. We seek to challenge existing thinking and orthodoxies in the field of education by stimulating debate and advancing both educational knowledge and practices via the interplay of theory, research, policy and practice.ā€Æ 

What was your biggest achievement on your internship? 

Increasing my confidence working in a professional environment.  

Were there any challenges and how did you overcome these?  

At first, it was hard to understand what tasks I needed to complete but after speaking to my manager on what to prioritise I was able to work out everything I needed to do.Ā Ā 

What were your reasons for undertaking this internship?   

  • To gain experience and knowledge within a specific occupation or field. 
  • To build new connections.
  • To improve my job prospects by expanding my CV and what I can draw upon in interviews. 
  • To earn money.
  • To start my career after graduating.

As a result of my internshipā€¦  

  • My job prospects have improved by expanding my CV and what I can draw upon in 


  • My overall confidence has increased. 

During the internship… 

  • I was able to complete the tasks assigned to me.  
  • I received sufficient training to undertake the role.  
  • Overall, this internship has been a positive experience.