Name of Organisation: University of Exeter Innovation Centre
Description of Organisation:
Innovation, Impact and Business (IIB) is the professional team that supports and drives the University of Exeter’s relationships with businesses and other non-academic partners, driving innovation and making a big impact on society and the economy. The key aim of IIB is to secure significantly greater value and impact from relationships with partners drawing on the University’s education, research and physical assets. The IIB team is responsible for connecting partners, creating opportunities, generating value and driving impact with industry, government and other non-academic partners.
Name of Employer: Dreolin Fleischer
Job Title: Engaged Research Manager
Internship Scheme used:
How has your intern made a positive contribution?
Leo took on the task of updating the Public Engagement with Research (PER) website and went above and beyond to create a website that was not just functional but also looked great and was competitive with PER websites at comparator institutions.
The process of identifying and hiring a SCP intern went really smoothly.