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Name of Organisation:  The University of Exeter 

Description of Organisation:  

At the University of Exeter, they want to make the exceptional happen and have a real and lasting impact on the world around them. They are already firmly at the forefront of universities worldwide and their ambition is to increase that position, particularly as a Global 100 institution. They challenge their talented students to achieve more than they ever thought possible and recruit the very best people from around the world to reach greater heights in research excellence, innovation, and impact. 

Name of Employer: Louise Vennells 

Job Title: Senior Press and Media Manager 

Internship Scheme used:  

The Graduate Business Partnership Scheme (GBP) | Employer Engagement & Student Employment | University of Exeter 


“Molly was outstandingly organised and efficient. She took on large logistical tasks, including a series of complex student photoshoots, and organising the logistics of a very successful student presence at an event at the Royal Albert Memorial Musuem. Through this work, she contributed to better student engagement and external representation. 

Molly was a highly valued member of the team who calmly orchestrated a number of challenging projects. She was extremely efficient, and routinely delivered beyond expectation, particularly for an intern.” 

“No room for improvement – Molly was fantastic.”