Name of Student: Alissa Money 

Job Title: Business Support Intern 

Company Name:  Sampson Armand 

Description of Organisation:  

Sampson Armand are consultants in individual and organisational development, bringing focus to leadership processes, strategy, cultural change, team cohesion. Sampson Armand understand strategy and the human dynamics of working environments and offer unique professional development programmes for your organisation. Sampson Armand have the know-how to develop plans, staff cohesion, facilitate mentoring and optimise motivation. They understand the impact of different leadership styles and social identity in every facet of management and leadership in order to generate the best out of a business and the individuals within it. Simply put they have the knowledge to enable an organisation to turn its problems into opportunities! 

What was your biggest achievement during your internship? 

 I was able to further develop my programming skills, particularly using programming language “R” in which I already had prior knowledge on due to my analytics module. However, this internship has increased my confidence using “R” as I coded an entire website from scratch. 

Were there any challenges during your internship and if so, how did you overcome these? 

Balancing my work and personal life was a challenge, but something I was able to overcome. This has proven to be very helpful in developing my time management / organisational skills. Furthermore, the internship has also developed my critical thinking and problem-solving skill set as I had to consider different solutions and methods to complete certain tasks and conclude which solution would be the best fit. 

What were your reasons for undertaking this internship?   

  • To improve my job prospects by expanding my CV and what I can draw upon in interviews. 
  • To gain experience and knowledge within a specific occupation or field. 
  • To earn money.  

 As a result of my internship…  

  • I have improved my communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. 
  • My job prospects have improved by expanding my CV and what I can draw upon in interviews. 
  • I have learned more about the skills I need and the options available to me in the future.  
  • I have developed specific skills that could help me in the future. 
  • My overall confidence has increased. 

During the internship… 

  • I received learning and development opportunities which could be helpful for my career (e.g., online courses, research development or mentoring). 
  • I received regular feedback from my manager/supervisor. 
  • I was able to complete the tasks assigned to me.  
  • I received sufficient training to undertake the role.  
  • Overall, this internship has been a positive experience. 

Would you recommend this internship scheme to other students?  

Yes, I would recommend this internship scheme to other students. I am very happy with my experience in Sampson Armand and highly recommend it to any student willing to develop their skill set. It has a very independent setting where you can choose what skill set you want to develop and just work on that. Furthermore, it has enabled me to further enhance my CV not only with the job, but the technical skills I developed within the job such as excel, “R” etc.