HaSS Cornwall Newsletter


Posted by da459

17 October 2022


HaSS Cornwall Peer Support

Within the HaSS department, we have developed a new initiative called the Peer Support Scheme. It is led by 2nd and 3rd Year HaSS Students, who will be running weekly sessions in DM Lecture A at 1pm – 2pm. Our mentors are from various backgrounds across the HaSS department and have received training to ensure that you gain the most from these sessions, whilst being there to support your needs. Each sessions will be on a specific theme, providing an unstructured social space where you can seek advice and academic support.

Our first session was on Wednesday 12th October, where a number of our Peer Mentors introduced the scheme to First Years from a range of backgrounds, discussing how they have settled into life at university and living in Cornwall. Everybody contributed in a really open manner and some of the discussions were really thoughtful and progressive.

These sessions will focus on improving your overall student experience by opening conversations on your encounters and building a sense of community within the HaSS department; allowing you to meet new people and share your thoughts. There will be an academic element to the sessions, where you can develop ‘study skills’ and go over any troubles you may be facing with your course.

It is worth mentioning that Peer Support sessions are optional, but we would encourage as many of you to attend as possible. This will help to improve your understanding of your course and overall student experience. The scheme offers a fantastic way to make friends, giving you the opportunity to raise any concerns or ask questions without the need to consult your lecturers. Beyond the study sessions, we will be arranging a couple of events throughout the term which will allow you to unwind and socialise.

In the session on Wednesday (19th October), we covered study skills, in particular how to approach reading and how to tackle your work/life balance.

If you feel you could benefit from similar discussions, come along! We’d love to hear from you.

The link to our ELE Gateway with more information is available here

Introducing your HaSS Student Staff Liason Committee Chairs for 2022/23

Carys Hylton (Final Year History) [she/her] SSLC Co-Subject Chair

I’m Carys, the History Subject Chair, that means I help with SSLC (student staff liaison committee) meetings. Our role is to communicate student feedback to staff to help ensure that your educational experience is the best it can be. The SSLC works best when more people share, whether that’s by becoming a course rep or making sure you feedback to those involved – just remember we are always here to try and make things better!

Anastasia-Eziche Uzor (Final Year LLB Law with Business) SSLC Subject Co-Chair

I’m Anastasia, LLB Law with Business Co-Subject Chair (Penryn campus). In these next three years you will be challenged, empowered, and come across new ideas that may challenge your current way of thinking. There may also be times when you want to express your thoughts and opinions and create positive change. That’s what our SSLC roles endeavour to do. We welcome all of you throughout the year to share your opinions and new ideas, and we can’t wait to create positive and effective change with your help! So, reach out, good luck and we’re always here to help!  

Caius Datt (Year 2 LLB Law with Business) SSLC Subject Co-Chair 

My name is Caius (pronounced Kai-us) and alongside Anastasia I am your SSLC Law with Business Co-Chair. My goal for the year will be to help you make the most of your studies and reach your academic goals. I’ve benefited from a year of face-to-face learning last year and, having compared my course experience to that of my peers on other courses nationwide, I can safely say that university life in Cornwall is totally unique. The blend between law and business provides students with the commercial and essential skills for the working environment, while the small cohort size allows for plenty of practical experience and one-to-one contact with the lecturers. Therefore, to maximise your university experience, I’d encourage you not only to show dedication to your learning environment, but to also immerse yourselves fully into life as a Cornish student. Taking part in activities will give your studies different outlooks and perspectives which, alongside the new friends you will make, will make settling into university a much more pleasant and relaxed experience. A list of activities be found on the Student Union’s website, which I’d strongly advise you to spend some time look at before joining us. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and approach me on campus or online and I will do my best to help you.

Leah Dryer, (Final year Politics and International Relations) Politics SSLC Chair

Hi, I’m Leah. I hold a position as chair of the Politics Student Staff Liaison Committee for the next year. We look after and act as the bridge between anyone studying politics at Penryn (e.g., Politics, Politics and International Relations, Politics and History etc,) and the department (as well as the wider university). We also coordinate with the politics society to support the development of a community for those interested in politics on the Cornwall campuses. I look forward to meeting you all and if there is anything we can do to help please don’t hesitate to get in touch!  

Astrid Baker (Final Year Politics and International Relations), SSLC Co-Subject Chair 

Welcome to those of you who are joining us in the University of Exeter’s Social Sciences and International Relations department! I’m Astrid, the Politics and International Relations Subject Chair. Subject Chairs work with student representatives and the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) to bridge the gap between student voices and the University as an institution, and ensure you are adequately supported throughout the duration of your studies.

Bystander Training  

We are offering an exciting new training this year on the Penryn Campus where you can learn to become and active bystander and skilfully intervene in any potentially harmful situations that you witness on or off campus. The ‘Exe-change the Norm’ programme increases awareness of gender based violence, misogyny and racism in all its forms. The training then provides further sessions that equip you with different strategies to intervene. 

All it takes is you to make a positive difference and to prevent harmful situations occurring in our community. Sign up now through Handshake and search Bystander to begin this sector leading programme.  

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