HaSS Cornwall Newsletter


Posted by da459

28 November 2022


HaSS Cornwall Peer Support

This terms HaSS Peer Support sessions have now been postponed. We will be reconvening in the new year with fresh ideas and improved sessions to help with study skills and your overall student experience.

If you are in 2nd or 3rd and want to volunteer to run sessions, contact Dan Adeyemi (d.adeyemi@exeter.ac.uk) for more details and to register your interest.

The link to our ELE Gateway with more information is available here.

Undergraduate Research Scheme (UGRS) 2022/23

Submit to University of Exeter’s annual Undergraduate Research Showcase (UGRS) now! 

The UGRS is taking place between 23 and 27 January 2023 and the deadline to submit is midnight 8 January. 

You can submit research in the form of an abstract, poster or a video. All research submitted is showcased and displayed all week at an online and in-person exhibition across University of Exeter campuses. You can find all the information about this year’s Showcase on our website

Why enter the UGRS? 

  • Chance to present at a launch reception in front of an audience.  
  • Counts towards the Exeter Award. 

More information to follow in the coming weeks. If you do have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact UGresearch@exeter.ac.uk

Student’s Union HaSS Course Representative Roles for 2022/23

Are you someone who enjoys getting involved, or who wants to help other students feel part of their university? Maybe you really love your subject and want to work with other Reps and staff to explore how to engage students more. You don’t have to be the most confident or outgoing person to be a Rep; you just need to have an interest in creating a really great student experience.

Course Reps are vital in making sure the student voice is heard at every level of the University decision making process! Every course year group has a Course Rep, elected by their peers, who will gather your feedback and work with course leaders to ensure your voice is listened to, valued and acted upon. Reps work in partnership with the Students’ Union, the University and the students to make sure the University environment is constantly evolving and shaping in response to your feedback.

We have a number of roles for all years across the HaSS Department. If you want to make a change and represent your peers, contact Charlie (Charlie.Atkinson@thesu.org.uk) to find out more!

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