HaSS Cornwall Newsletter


Posted by da459

28 November 2022


Please do keep in touch with the Education Team at HaSSCornwall-Education@exeter.ac.uk, or your SSLCs, if you have issues you would like us to fix.

If you prefer to email a person rather than the generic inbox you can contact:

Prof. Clare Saunders, c.saunders@exeter.ac.uk, Head of Department

Clare has overall responsibility for the whole department, covering education, research and impact.

Prof. Caroline Keenan, c.keenan@exeter.ac.uk, Director of Education and Student Experience

Caroline has overall responsibility for all education matters across the whole department. Her work covers all aspects of your experience as a student. 

Dr. Cat Owen, c.a.m.owen@exeter.ac.uk, Deputy Director of Education and Student Experience (Politics)

Cat is the main contact for Politics students. She works closely with your lecturers and Politics SSLC to help ensure that Politics students have a good educational experience. 

Dr. Jim Kelly, j.kelly@exeter.ac.uk, Deputy Director of Education and Student Experience (Humanities)

Jim is the main contact for History students. He works closely with the works closely with your lecturers and History SSLC to help ensure that History students have a good educational experience. 

Dr. Elif Oszoy, e.c.ozsoy@exeter.ac.uk, Deputy Director of Education and Student Experience (Law)

Elif is the main contact for Law and Business students. She works closely with closely with your lecturers and Law SSLC to help ensure that Law and Business students have a good educational experience. 

Dr Gillian Juleff, HaSS-Cornwall-SeniorTutor@exeter.ac.uk, Senior Tutor

Gill is responsible for training and advising academic tutors within the department. She acts a point of contact for all things related to Academic Personal Tutoring. She also supports individual students in specific cases. 

Dr Misan Afinotan, u.afinotan@exeter.ac.uk, Deputy Senior Tutor (Global)

Misan supports international, students with leave to remain and students visiting from other universities abroad. He runs sessions with students to share their experiences, concerns and develop peer support.

The team work together on education strategy, striving to make the Department a place of better quality and more inclusive teaching and learning. 

We welcome your comments, questions and concerns: please do get in touch with us contact the Education team (Education Leads all subjects and Director of Education and Student Experience) HaSSCornwall-Education@exeter.ac.uk  or your SSLCs (contacts below). 

Concerns and Complaints: We have a confidential process for raising complaints within HaSS.  

  1. If you would like to raise a concern or complaint, please contact your academic tutor or module convenor first if you can, if appropriate and they will work to resolve your concern.    
  1. You can also raise any concern or complaint with the Education Team confidentially by email our inbox HaSSCornwall-Education@exeter.ac.uk 

We’re always looking out to support your ideas for other events. Do get in touch with your SSLC chairs with any ideas 


Carys Hylton (ceh236@exeter.ac.uk) and Emmy Hartnup (mch229@exeter.ac.uk)


Anastasia Uzor (accu201@exeter.ac.uk) and Caius Datt (cd684@exeter.ac.uk


Leah Dryer (ld580@exeter.ac.uk) and Astrid Baker (ab1358@exeter.ac.uk

Academic Writing Support

Anna Wilson, Resident Fellow for 2022-23
Alice Farthing, Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow

Do you hate the blank page?

Book an appointment with Anna Wilson, our resident fellow from the Royal Literary Fund for this academic year or Alice Farthing who is a Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow and an Associate Lecturer in Law. Anna has opened 50-minute slots to talk about any aspect of your academic writing face-to-face. These sessions will be held on Thursdays and Fridays. Alice is also taking sessions from 3pm to 5pm on Thursdays, should you need any advice. You are welcome to talk through the basics of how to approach writing an essay and can even bring some samples of your writing to discuss. The main objective is to notice an upturn in the quality of your work and improve your confidence in academic writing.

Come to Peter Lanyon 168B – first floor, turn left as you exit the stairs, office is on the right at the end of the corridor.

To book with Anna, Email: anna.wilson@rlfeducation.org.uk

To book with Alice, click the link here or email a.farthing@exeter.ac.uk

Bystander Training  

Exe-change the Norm is a bystander intervention programme written by an Exeter academic, Dr Rachel Fenton, and is delivered by two specialist facilitators from within the EDI team. We are offering an exciting new training this year on the Penryn Campus where you can learn to become and active bystander and skilfully intervene in any potentially harmful situations that you witness on or off campus. The ‘Exe-change the Norm’ programme increases awareness of gender-based violence, misogyny and racism in all its forms. The training then provides further sessions that equip you with different strategies to intervene. 

All it takes is you to make a positive difference and to prevent harmful situations occurring in our community. Sign up now through Handshake and search Bystander to begin this sector leading programme.  

Bystander intervention programme is now being run every Thursday on Penryn Campus, with 2 sessions a day currently in place.

The training aims to encompass:

  • How to be an active bystander
  • Racial microaggressions and racist behaviours
  • Sexual assault, sexual violence and gender-based harm
  • Learning and perfecting skills in order to intervene in harmful situations

Students can sign up for the training programme through Handshake and type in ‘Bystander’ to find a session to sign up for.

Academic Writing Skills  

The Languages Team are putting on a series of 4 workshops focusing on the subject-specific advanced language and writing skills needed for your assignments. With deadlines fast approaching, they are a chance to polish your writing skills and receive formative feedback from an Academic Language Skills Tutor. Open to all students but strongly recommended if you’re new to the UK academic context.

To register for this, click here. 

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