The Centre for Magic and Esotericism
  • The Centre for Magic and Esotericism

    Beliefs, Ritual, and Popular Myths

    Posted by Emily Selove

    12 February 2021
    Ex Historia- Humanities Forum
    Roundtable Discussion- Beliefs, Ritual, and Popular Myths
    Date/Time: Feb. 18th from 5:30-6:30pm
    Event Link:
    Panelists’ Bios
    Ryan Denson- Classics, and Ancient History 
    Ryan’s research centers upon examining the imaginative ideas of sea monsters and anthropic marine entities in Greco-Roman antiquity. Consequently, much of his work deals with popular narratives involving sea monsters like the Andromeda myth and some Christian hagiographic narratives of Late Antiquity.
    Crystal Hollis- Archaeology/History
    Crystal specialises in medieval/early modern parish culture and community by studying historic graffiti in churches. Much of her work includes an emphasis on the relationship between formal church art, parish life, and religious traditions.
    Sarah Scaife- Drama
    Sarah’s research engages with the agency of magico-medical artefacts situated in the liminal space between science and ritual, such as Renaissance pop-up anatomy books and the folding almanacs worn on the body of Medieval doctors, repurposed in a contemporary art practice. 
    Anna Milon- English Literature
    Anna looks at the Horned God, a modern pagan deity, as an environmental figure in fantasy fiction and live action role playing. Her project touches on folklore and the folkloresque, pagan studies, game theory, animal studies and the nascent field of LARP studies.
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