The Centre for Magic and Esotericism
Posted by Emily Selove
7 December 2021Monday, November 29
Hotel Du Vin Exeter
1:30–3 p.m. Panel 1:
Emily Selove, “Sleep in the Shāmil of Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sakkākī (d. 1229)”
Bink Hallum, “From Invincibility to Immunity: The Centesimal Magic Square in Legend, Theory and Practice”
3:30–5 p.m. Panel 2:
Earl Fontainelle, “The Theory of the Pneumatic Vehicle in Late-Antique Platonism and the Islamicate Medical Sciences”
Nahyan Fancy, “Commentaries and the Emergence of non-Galenic, non-Avicennan Medical Theories”
Tuesday, November 30
10 a.m.–12.15 p.m. Panel 3:
Petra Schmidl, “Magic and Medicine in 13th Century Yemen”
Dionisius Agius, “Sellem maurum servum sacre religionis: Magic and the Inquisition in Malta 1605
Catherine Rider, “Christians, Muslims and Magical Healing in front of the Inquisition in Malta, 1600–1605”