I have come across a couple of examples (in Latin text as it happens) of what I call diphthongs but which I think may be called ligatures. In these cases, it has always been “ae” as a single character. So far I have simply transcribed this as the two letters. Is that right?
II have only come across one at the moment and, like you, transcribed it as ae but not sure whether that was right or not.
Thanks for raising this Tony and Pauline. That makes sense to me, but I will make a note to check with Emily on her return from leave in case she knows better!
I I have transcribed æ as æ. Where there is an st ligature I have transcribed as st - there is no alternative that I know of. But again, don't know if correct.
Thanks Tony, Pauline, and Teresa for this very interesting question - I'm very impressed Teresa as I didn't realise it was possible to type a joint 'æ' on Transkribus! So my default answer would be to say transcribe as two letters, but if you can create a single character as Teresa has done, that's also completely fine. Either approach is fine and won't (in aggregate) affect how either humans or machines read that particular word, or how the HTR generates transcriptions.