I have a will with a good number of identified lines which are simply marks between two lines of text and are not related to any of text. As requested I have left these lines blank. These lines are usually identified by the number half way through, rather than at the start of a line. As a result these numbers then block part of the word or words below in the following line of text. Most of the time it is easy to work out the letters. ( For ease I haven’t put the number in a box in the example.) E.g ‘ he owes 52nto me’ i.e. he owes unto me. The question is do I write the transcription with just the letters showing ie ‘nto me’ or do I put them in when I am confident that I know what they are i.e.unto me or put the letters in brackets ie. [u]nto me or….?
Thanks for your message Pauline - this sounds annoying! I think it is one of those things we will need to check with Emily when she gets back from leave. For the time being I suggest that you put the blocked letters in brackets: '[u]nto me or'. This will make the relevant bits easy for us/you to locate on Emily's return.
Thanks for that
Hi Pauline,
It might also help you to turn off the highlighted lines briefly while you see what the blocked letters are. You do it in the same way Emily suggested we changed from underlining to boxing the lines (settings, image then just click show baselines to off). This removes both the baselines and the accompanying numbers. Hope this helps.
Thanks for this question Pauline, and to Jan for a great solution too. But yes, if you can't see the whole word (and I'm sorry about that!) then Laura's suggestion is a good one. I think if you are very confident in the obscured letter (e.g. 'unto' in the example you set out) it would be fine to just write 'unto' without square brackets. But if you are unsure or you can't read it at all, yes, please do use square brackets.