Posted by Laura Sangha
25 February 2025This month’s featured testament belongs to John Pooke, a citizen and haberdasher of London who made his will in 1607.
It was only once I sat down to read Pooke’s will carefully, from start to finish, that it suddenly unfolded like a little novella before me, complete with knotty little plot twists. Perhaps this enlightenment was triggered by the intensity of focus that transcribing a written text involves. It was certainly inspired by conversations I’ve been having with our new Arts and Culture Creative Fellow – musician, composer, performer and educator Chris Hoban – about wills. About the fact that each will is like a story, dictated by the testator in a distinctive voice, a voice that can be detected in a will’s terminology, turns of phrase, structural pattern and focus. Once your ear begins to be attuned to the blend of generic and distinctive in a will, the reader (a historian? a creative practitioner?) can draw the story out into the light.
In the case of this month’s will, when I stripped away the content to a mere list of the bequests, a latent structure was revealed. This process imparted to me a particularly strong sense of this will as an organised narrative, a man bequeathing his possessions in such a manner as to reflect what were to him the most important aspects of his identity and sense of self.
Here’s the story I heard.
Chapter 1: The Good Citizen
John Pooke began by leaving five pounds to the poor people in the parish of St Andrew by the Wardrobe, in whose church he asked to be buried, and five pounds to the poor people in the parish of St Benedict (St Benet) where he then lived. He also left £4 to Christ’s Hospital, an institution for the virtuous education and upbringing of orphaned children, and 20s to the poor prisoners in four of London’s prisons – Newgate, Ludgate, and the 2 compters (or ‘counters’).
These sorts of charitable bequests to those less fortunate in and around a testator’s home ward are familiar fare in wills of this period. They signify the head of a successful family serving his civic community, participating in a rhetoric of order, loyalty and obligation. This was a wealthy man supporting his fellow Christians in a display of devout good breeding. Bequests of £5 to the stock of the Feltmakers Company of London and of ‘a piece of plate worth £5’ to the London Haberdashers Company ‘to remayne in theire hall for ever’ functioned in similar ways, physical legacies alluding to a lifetime of contribution to these professions.
Chapter 2: The Trusty Kinsmen
Along similar lines, Pooke next included a cluster of bequests to a male friend, female cousin, brother, sister and to two brothers-in-law. These were a mix of money and forgiveness of debts owed to Pooke. What did these gifts, to people who were probably of Pooke’s own generation, mean to him? It’s an extension of his good citizenship, but more too. It could be the recognition of a life travelled alongside others who perhaps weren’t as blessed with good providence, a redistribution of Pooke’s excellent fortune after Pooke himself no longer needs it. The vagaries of fortune do seem to be much in Pooke’s mind – the will repeats the phrase ‘if it should fortune [a person] … to dye’ – and in this same section Pooke also shared some of the benefits of his property ownership by forgiving his tenants in Southwark one quarters rent each.
Chapter 3: Capital and Conscience
The will then comes to its weightiest part, with a long, complicated description of a debt associated with a Dorset property that Pooke had part owned alongside Bryan Langford, a now deceased feltmaker. In life, Pooke owed Langford about £75, a sum of money that Langford bequeathed to his daughters in his will. However, soon after Langford died someone disputed Pooke’s claim to the income from the property in the court of Chancery. Pooke was unhappy with the court’s decree, which left him out of pocket and unable to recompense Langford’s daughters as the will required. In fact, Pooke’s will states that he felt so ‘misused’ by the court’s decision that he disobeyed it, whereupon he was promptly thrown in the Fleet prison for contempt of court.
How Pooke may have looked when imprisoned in the Fleet. Woodcut from the ballad The Confession and Repentance of George Sanders, 1658-1664, from English Broadside Ballad Archive, ESTC R183246.
While this sorry tale might seem like a surprising inclusion in a will, Pooke’s lengthy explanation was there to explicitly justify the bequest that follows: 200 marks to Joyce Langford, Bryan Langford’s only surviving daughter. Pooke evidently felt that this was his means of finally paying his debt to Langford, for he explained that this very large bequest was:
“in dischardge of my conscience in this behalfe and in performance
of the truste in me reposed by the sayed Bryan Langford And for the love and
good will which I had and did beare unto the same Bryan and unto Johane then
his wife and synce the wife of me the saied John Pooke who ys nowe also deceased”
Here was the crux of things then – after Langford had died, John Pooke had married his business partner’s widow Johane, in the process making Joyce Langford Pooke’s stepdaughter, and further increasing his ties and obligations towards her. The language of the will here is deeply redolent – the mention of a troubled conscience, Pooke’s need to ‘perform’ the trust that bonded these two men, the memorialisation of the love and goodwill that Pooke had borne to Bryan and Johane, now both dead.
This sorry tale also inadvertently sheds a new light on Pooke’s initial gifts to the four London prisons. Pooke did not leave money to the Fleet, the institution where he had experienced imprisonment, but Newgate, Ludgate and the two compters were all principal goals for civil debtors. These bequests are now revealed to be more personal, since they were directed to Pooke’s fellow suffering debtors.
Chapter 4: The Loving Father
Following the dramatic heart of Pooke’s will, he ended with much more straightforward bequests to his close family, making generous provisions for his children and grandchildren. He gave his son Richard a mourning gown, and Richard’s wife, mother-in-law and father-in-law received money ‘to make each of them a ring’. Once Pooke was dead, those in possession of these memorial items were enclosed in a little mourning community. Perhaps Joyce Langford was included in this fellowship of the rings, since she also received one: ‘a turning Ringe of goulde with a Deathes hed’. This was a very specific item of jewellery that may well have been worn by John Pooke in life.
Mirroring this bequest Pooke also left a personal and very striking jewel to his son Richard – a ‘Rynge of gould set with a Toadstone’. According to tradition, this was a stone found in the head of a toad that was a remedy against many afflictions, from tumours to bewitchment.
An example of a toadstone ring: silver, with circular bezel set with a ‘toadstone’. Decorated with chased floral scrolls on a ground of niello. The rim of the setting is gold. British Museum, number 1858,0628.1.
Finally, Pooke turned his attention to his chief beneficiary, his son Abraham. He left substantial sums of money to Abraham’s son and two daughters, and his dwelling house and the rest and residue of his estate went to Abraham himself, who was also made executor of the will.
Afterword / Afterlives
Are wills plebian works of philosophy?
I ask because although wills are a practical legal device for the settling of earthly affairs, the process of making a will inevitably requires the testator to reflect on what they have done with their life and to face the hard cold reality of their ever-approaching death. Pooke’s will lays this bare – it is constructed in such a way as to very strongly give a sense of him taking stock – of his worth, of his contribution to his community, his occupation, his kinfolk. He uses it to salve his conscience, and to try to shape people’s behaviour after he is gone. The matter of what you leave behind when you depart this mortal coil, the things, the places, the people, take on a profound importance in the writing of will, and here we see them called into action as a means to shape and make sense of a life.
Perhaps that is why Pooke ends with one final bequest to Mother Sibill, who received ‘twelve pence a weeke during her life after suche tyme as she shall come to be past laboure’. We don’t know who Mother Sibill was, and what her relationship with John Pooke may have been, but given her bequest is grouped with his close family she may have been a servant in Pooke’s household. Whoever she was, Pooke’s careful provision for her future old age is in keeping with a will presenting a respectable citizen who heartily desired the advancement and welfare of others.
That’s the story his will tells, at least.
John Pooke
In the name of god Amen the three and twentieth
daye of November Anno Domini 1607 and in the yeres of the raigne of oure
Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god kynge of England Scotland France
and Ireland defender of the faithe xth that is to saye of England France and Ireland
the Fyveth and of Scotland the one and fortiethe. I John Pooke Citizen and
Haberdasher of London sicke in bodye but of sounde and perfect memorye (Lawde and
praise be given to Almightie god) for the same do make and declare this my last
will and testament in manner and forme folownge that ys to saye. First and
principally I Commend my soule into the mercifull handes of Almightie god the
Father the sonne and the holie ghoste hoping and steadfastly believing to have free
remission of all my synnes thoroughe the only meritts of xpiste Jesus: My bodye I
Committ unto the earthe to be decently buryed in the parishe churche of Sainct Andrewe
in the warde of Castle Baynard in London so neere unto Rose my first wife as
possibly maye be. And as concerninge suche goodes Chattells and debtes as god
of his mercy hath bestowed uppon me. I give and bequeath the same in forme as
enseweth that ys to saye: First I Commende ^give and bequeathe unto the poore people of
the parishe of Sainct Andrewe aforesayed fyve poundes to be distributed amongest
them at the discretion of my executor hereafter named. And the like somme of fyve
poundes unto the poore people of the parishe of Saincte Benedict where I nowe dwell.
and to the poore in xpistes hospitall in London Fower poundes : To the poore prison[er]s
in Newgate Ludgate and the twoe Compters in London twentie shillinges to every
prison. Item I give and bequeathe to my Friend Robert Andrewes Scryvenor
Fortie shilinges : To my cosen Katherine Dickens three poundes. Item I forgive unto
my brother Edward Pooke all suche somme and sommes of money and debtes as he
oweth me. Item I forgive unto every one of my Ten[e]ntes in Sowthwarke one Quarters
Rent (except my ten[e]nt in the fore house to whome I give tenne shillinges and no more
Item I give unto my Sister Bird one gould Rynge that I shall appoynte for her
Item I forgive unto my brother in lawe Abraham Lambert all suche somme and som[m]es
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of money and debtes as he oweth me And I give and bequeathe unto hym Fyve poundes in money
Item I give and bequeathe unto my brother in lawe Thomas Lucas Fyve poundes in money
And whereas at the tyme of the decease of Brian Langford late of the parishe of Sainct
Olaves in the Boroughe of Sowthwarke in the Countie of Surrey Feltmaker deceased
there was remayning in my handes of the sayed Brian Langford three score Fiftene
poundes twelve shillinges and sixe pence which came and did arise to his use and by me
receyued of and by the payment of one Annuitie or Yerelie Rent of Fiftie poundes yssuinge
and goyng out of the Mannors of Westwood Yates als Woodeace and the R[et]corye or
parsonage of ^Wood Yates als woodeace in the Countie of Dorset which sayed Somme of three
score fifteene poundes twelve shillinges sixe pence the sayed Brian by his last will and
Testament did give and bequeathe unto and amongest his daughters Jane Hellen
Joyce and Anne Langford equally and partes and partes like amongest them to be
devided : And also by the same his will did appoynte his saied halfe of the same
Annunitie to his saied daughters afterwardes to growe due and payable. Not longe
after the tyme of the making of which saied will the saied Bryan Langford dyed
And shortly after the decease of the same Bryan a Bill was exhibited against
me the saied John Pooke into the highe Courte of Channcerye concerning the saied
Annuitye of Fiftie poundes a yere : And uppon the full hearinge of the cause yt
was by the same Courte ordered and finally decreed that I the saied John Pooke should
be fullie satisfied the somme of eight score poundes in full dischardge of the saied
Annunitie which was noe more but the very somme payed and disbursed by me and the
said Brian Langford for the purchase of the saied Annunitye including therein the
saide somme of three score and fifteene poundes twelve shillinges sixe pence for his
moitye of the saied Annuitie formerely receyued of the saied Annuitye And allsoe
so muche for my moitie of the saied Annuitye, So as there never came unto my handes but
Fower score poundes for the moytie of the saied Bryan Langford as by the Recordes
of the saied Courte of Channcerye maye appeare. And by reason that I hold my
selfe misused by the same decree I disobeyed the same hoping still to have had paym[men]t
of the same Annuitie wherfore I was committed prisoner to the Fleet for my
Contempt and there kept untill I conformed my selfe which I was enforced
to doe. Which sayed Somme of Fower score poundes for the sayed Bryan Langford
parte by the intent and true meaning of the saied last will and testament of the
said Bryan Langford ys intended and appoynted to his saied Fower daughters
whereof there ys no more lyving but only the saied Joyce to whome the saied Fower
score poundes in equitie as I take yt belongeth in case she shall lyve to have the
same according to the Limitac[y]on and intent of her saied late Fathers will. Nowe
I the saied John Pooke in dischardge of my conscience in this behalfe and in performance
of the truste in me reposed by the sayed Bryan Langford And for the love and
good will which I had and did beare unto the same Bryan and unto Johane then
his wife and synce the wife of me the saied John Pooke whoe ys nowe allso deceased
and for the perferrement and advancement of the saied Joyce Langford whose
wellfare I hartelie desyer do hereby give and bequeathe unto the said Joyce the
Somme of two hundred markes of lawfull money of England in full recompence
and satisfaction of the saied somme of Fower score poundes by me receyved for
the parte of her sayed Father aforesayed to be payed unto her at her full age
of one and twentye yeres or daye of marriage which shall first happen. But yf
yt fortune her the saied Joyce to dye or decease before the saied twoe hundred markes
[page 3]
shalbe due to be payed by the Limitac[y]on of this my will. Then I give and bequeathe the somme
of Fower score pounds parcell of the saied somme of twoe hundred markes unto suche person or
persons as the same shalbe due or belonge unto by the Limitac[y]on and true meaning of the last
Will and testament of the saied Bryan Langford. Item I give unto the sayed Joyce Langford
a turning Ringe of goulde with a Deathes hed. Item I give and bequeathe unto the company
of the Haberdashers in London a peece of plate of the valewe of Fyve poundes to remayne
in theire hall for ever. Item I give and bequeathe to the companye of the Feltmakers in
London five poundes towardes the stocke of theire all. Item I give and bequeathe unto
my sonne Richard Pooke a mourning gowne. And to his Father in lawe Nicholas
Rice three poundes : And to his mother in lawe the wife of the same Nicholas Rice fortie
shillinges. And to my daughter in lawe the wife of my sayed sonne Richard fortie shillinges
to make eache of them a Rynge. Item I give and bequeathe ^unto John Pooke the sonne of
Abraham Pooke my sonne one hundred poundes to be payed unto hym at hys full age of
one and twentye yeres. And to Mary and Katherine the twoe daughters of my sayed
Sonne Abraham Fiftie poundes a peece to be payed unto them at theire severall full
ages of twentie and one Yeres or day of marriage which shall first happen. And
whereas I late bargayned with S[i]r Thomas Bishopp knighte for the purchase
and inheritaunce of my nowe dwelling house and certeyne tenements nere therunto adioyning
and have payed the greatest parte of the money for the same purchase my Will and
meaning ys that yf I shall fortune to dye before the effecting and perfecting of
the assuraunce of the same purchase that then the same shalbe conveyed and
assured unto my ^said sonne Abraham Pooke and to his heires for ever. The rest and
residue of all and Singuler my goodes cattells chattells debtes rightes and credittes
whatsoever my debtes and legaceys payed Funeralls dischardged and this my last
Will and testament in all thinges performed I fullie and wholly give and bequeath
unto my saied sonne Abraham Pooke whome I ordeyne and make the sole and only
Executor of this my last will and testament. And I do nominate and appoynte my
saied Brothers in lawe Abraham Lambert and Thomas Lucas and allso the saied
Nicholas Rice the overseers of this my last will and testament. Item I give and
bequeathe unto the saied Joyce Langford twentie nobles a yere towardes her
fynding and maynten[a]nce untill she shalbe payed and satisfied her sayed legacey
by me herein before given unto her, or els my sayed executor to keepe and maynteyne
her at hys owne chardged as my saied executor and the saied Joyce shall agree togeth[er]
I renounce revoke and call backe all former willes and testamentes by me heretofore
made : And this to stand and remayne for my last will and testatment. Item I give
to my sayed sonne Richard Pooke m Rynge of gould set with a Toadstone. Item I
give ^and bequeathe to Mother Sibill twelve pence a weeke during her life after suche tyme as
she shall come to be past laboure. In witnesse wherof I the saied John Pooke
have unto every sheete hereof beyng sixe in nomber besides this last sheete set my hand
and to this last sheete my hand and seale the daye and yeare first aboue Written John
Pooke. Sealed and published by the saied John Pooke and by hym confessed and
acknowledged to be his last will and testament in the presence of us: The marke of
Nicholas Rice Thomas Wilding Walter Kighte Richard Pooke Robert Andrewes Scr[ivener].
Probatum [continues in Latin]