The Material Culture of Wills, England 1540-1790

Line numbering confusion

Jan Tasker

Hi All,
I am having some issues with the line numbering which is not related to the fancy initials or anything. Yesterday I got half way through a page and decided to stop. All was normal. Today when I returned a rogue number 1 had appeared at the top, so I had two number 1s. In the transcription part, putting my cursor against line two resulted in the second of these two number 1 lines being highlighted in the original document. Hence, transcription line 1 = original first line 1, transcription line 2 = original second line 1, transcription line 3 = original line 2 etc. As I was already half-way through I just kept going and have sent Emily an email for when she returns but it would be good to know if anyone else has had this issue. And if so how did you deal with it please!
Happy Easter