I have two pages where the marking of lines is messed up.
On https://app.transkribus.org/collection/287871/doc/1996420/detail/3?view=combined there are lines of text that are not marked for transcription. I haven’t started transcribing that page yet.
On https://app.transkribus.org/collection/287871/doc/1996420/detail/2?view=combined the line numbering is jumbled up. I have done quite a lot of transcription of this page, and may well have completed it by the time this is read.
Do these need to be sorted out?
Hi Tony - thanks for bringing this to our attention and I'm sorry about the ongoing issues with the lines on Transkribus - for some pages it's just not able figure out the layout. At this stage the best thing to do is just transcribe the lines that are there and ignore the missing lines. Equally with the second example, I can see that you've done a really good job of matching the correct line in the transcription to the correct line in the will despite the confusing layout - so just keep doing this as far as you're able, and just ignore the lines that don't make sense. Thanks again for your patience Tony!