Exeter Medieval Studies Blog

Funding for a new regional research cluster

Posted by Helen Birkett

23 September 2014

Exeter’s Centre for Medieval Studies working in collaboration with medievalists at Bristol and Cardiff have secured £45K to establish a regional research cluster to work within the new Great West 4 Alliance established by the leading universities of the South West and Wales.

The cluster has identified three distinctive themes in which to develop new collaborative projects: (1) Wales and the South West of England; 2) Sex and Gender; 3) Authority and Ethics.

During 2014/15  the cluster will convene a series of workshop, seminars and conferences at Exeter, Bristol and Cardiff. We will also sponsor three panels at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds in July.

For further information contact:

University of Bristol

University of Cardiff

  • Bronach Kane, CI of GW4 Medieval Studies, School of History, Archaeology and Religion (KaneB@cardiff.ac.uk)

University of Exeter

  • James Clark, CI of GW4 Medieval Studies  and Director of the Centre for Medieval Studies (J.G.Clark@exeter.ac.uk)


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