Orchestral Theatre


Month: July 2023

Call for Papers: The Experimental Orchestra

Event date: December 13, 2023 Submission deadline: September 1, 2023 Orchestras around the world are conducting experiments related to performance, to the constitution of the orchestra, and to its operation. Professional classical music ensembles, like many other organisations and institutions in the cultural sector, face an existential challenge in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, […]


Book contract

I am pleased to announce that I have a contract with Manchester University Press to produce a monograph entitled The Theatrical Orchestra: British Music Ensembles Experiment with Performance. Here is a short description: Orchestras are experimenting with the standard concert format inherited from the nineteenth century and re-thinking how concerts are presented, how musicians perform, […]


Podcast Episode: Harry Ross and Helen Scarlett O’Neill

In Episode 6 I speak with the production and design team Harry Ross and Helen Scarlett O’Neill about their collaboration with the London Contemporary Orchestra on their 2013 concert series entitled ‘Imagined Occasions‘. This series, which focused on the composer Claude Vivier, took place in unconventional performance sites around London, including an underground station.  This conversation was recorded on November […]


Podcast Episode: Neil Luck

Episode 5 features a conversation with the composer/performer Neil Luck. Neil runs the performance group ARCO – a company that focuses on experimental music-theatre. I talk with Neil about his 2018 piece Regretfully Yours, Ongoing, commissioned by the London Contemporary Music Festival. This experimental composition is written for orchestra, choir, table-top soloist, solo voice, solo guitar, solo viola, and […]
