- What an amazing representation of ND. I am so impressed.
- An enormous thank you to each and every artist for sharing their creations! The variety & individualism is just brilliant to see and learn from.
- Wonderful work. The captions work well with the images.
- Lovely diverse and fabulous artwork.
- Totally inspiring! Beautiful art.
- The soundscape was such a powerful way to share the experience
- Totally amazing! Powerful work!! Keep being yourselves ALWAYS!!
- Amazing work. Super inspiring. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be here.
- Wow! Just such a wonderful collection of unique pieces of art which help me reflect and hopefully have some better understanding of experiences of others. Thank you so much xxx
- What beautiful and powerful art. It really made me think about how young people fell and how they experience life. Thank you for allowing me to be here x
- It’s great to see all of these mixed media pieces and huge range of responses. I
- hope to see all these artists given platforms in the future, they have so much to say.
- Such fantastic artworks – give amazing insights into young people’s experiences in Devon. Such a cool project. Look forward to seeing what happens next.
- This is brilliant! The experience of Scary Movie should be heard by everyone. Well done! It’s such a necessary exhibition! FAB!
- Such a wonderful exhibition and much needed right now! I would love to see more of this in the future.
- I really think schools and policymakers need to see this – it’s beautiful, fully and incredibly insightful. Thank you x
- Wonderful exhibition. The contributors should be very proud of themselves. I hope it is taken out to as many schools as possible and to a wider audience.
- These pieces of art are stunning, and a beautiful doorway into a world we don’t all experience. Thank you for your vulnerability.
- I am so proud of every single one of you – what an incredible and important project. As an autistic adult myself, this warmed my heart, and gave me the biggest hug to the little me several years ago who felt so alone in her diagnosis. Superstars!