Religious Education @Exeter

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SCRUFFY Targets in RE

As part of our recent Seminar Day, trainees explored how they could use ‘SCRUFFY’ as well as ‘SMART’ targets in their classroom practice (Lacey 2010). SCRUFFY stands for: ā€¢Student-led ā€¢Creative ā€¢Relevant ā€¢Unspecified ā€¢Fun ā€¢For ā€¢Youngsters The central thinking behind SCRUFFY targets is that the outcome remains open and expressive, not closed down with pre-determined outcomes. […]


Creating a Connected Curriculum: Learning and Knowing in RE

Secondary PGCE RE trainee teachers and tutors recently attended the Learn, Teach, Lead RE 2022 Conference in Cornwall on the 12th October. The Keynote lecture given by Dr Richard Kueh, HMI (Religious Education) outlined three categories of knowldge in RE: a) substantive knowledge, b) ways of knowing, and c) personal knowledge and explored their implications […]


Understanding ā€˜understandingā€™ in Religious Education

One of the questions that weā€™ve been exploring with Secondary PGCE RE trainees at Exeter is what does it mean to ā€˜understandā€™ in RE.  Itā€™s hardly controversial to say that one of the goals of education is the development of studentsā€™ understanding. And yet when we try to pin down exactly what that might mean, itā€™s […]
