In 2022, our Women in Physics Network relaunched after a brief hiatus due to Covid. Our new network leads have come up with a fabulous programme of exciting events for the next few months and have written a brief introduction below. If you want to find out more information, see our Physics Inclusion Group webpage for their contact details. You can also sign up for our WiP mailing list, join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter @Exeter_WiP.
We are the Women in Physics Network in Exeter, and we aim to provide a supportive environment for all women studying and working in/aligned with physics at Exeter. We host various events throughout the term. So far this year, our events have included a start of term meet and greet, an opportunity to talk about journeys in physics and a session playing the game ‘Just a Minute’ (as featured on BBC Radio 4) to practise public speaking on science topics in a friendly atmosphere. For our first event, we asked participants to write down on sticky notes what they were looking for from the network and potential themes for discussion, which we have used to plan our sessions. We hope to host more events in the future and would love to hear any suggestions. We are also keen to help at outreach events to encourage more girls and women to study and work in physics.