Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal

No. 42 (January 2025)

ISSN 1465-2978 (Online)

Founding Editor: Paul Ernest

Associate Editor: Christopher H. Dubbs

Dedicated to Ole Skovsmose


The Editor  Dedication to Ole Skovsmose

Paul Ernest  Review of Critical Philosophy of Mathematics by Ole Skovsmose

Brian Greer  Suppression of Free Speech at the International Congress on Mathematical Education 2024

Roberto Ribeiro Baldino and Tânia Cristina Baptista Cabral  Hegel’s dialectics as an invitation to class struggle in mathematics

David Kollosche  Mathematics Education for Citizenship: Potentials and Realities

Jayasree Subramanian  Beyond Poverty and Development: Caste Dynamics and Access to Mathematics Education in India

Paul Ernest  The Philosophy of Mathematics Education: State of the Art

Frode Olav Haara  A Mathematics Education Utopia

Francesco Beccuti  Gödel and Turing on Mathematical Intuition: Between Platonism and Embodiment

Nataly Z. Goldfisch  A Mathematical Satan: An interdisciplinary inquiry into human number sense cognition and what it may mean for mathematics education

Stuart Rowlands and Robert N. Carson Philosophy and History as an Epic Narrative in Secondary School Mathematics

Roberto Ribeiro Baldino  The (fulfilled) prophecy, Parts I to III

Marshall Gordon  The Formal Presentation Language of Mathematics and Communication Ethics

Gabriela Hernandez and Christian Kronsted  Integrating Rock Climbing into the Mathematics Curriculum — An Enactive Affordance-Based Approach 

Michael Kainose Mhlolo  Disruptive Fixation: An analysis of ethnic games and languages that act as barriers to Gifted Education in South Africa

Athena Ross and Cacey Wells Ethnomathematics in the Classroom

Charde’lyce Edwards Dynamic Pedagogical Equation Theory: Theoretical Perspectives on Mathematics Curriculum

Brian Greer  A Short Test on the History of Mathematics

Aim of the Journal  The aim is to foster awareness of philosophical aspects of mathematics education and mathematics, understood broadly to include most kinds of theoretical reflection and research in mathematics education; to freely disseminate new thinking and to encourage informal communication, dialogue and international co-operation between teachers, scholars, researchers and others engaged in such research and reflection.

Editorial policy. The editorial hand is used very lightly.  This is an international refereed journal which aims to stimulate the sharing of ideas for no reason other than an interest in these ideas and love of discussion among its contributors and readers. Please send any items for inclusion to the editor as a virus-checked attachment in MS Word or compatible formats. We will convert to PDF for publication but cannot edit or format PDFs. Many item types are welcome including papers, short contributions, letters, discussions, provocations, reactions, or reviews. Graduate students are warmly invited to submit assignments and theses for inclusion in this journal, to make available otherwise inaccessible resources for the benefit of the research community in mathematics education and/or the philosophy of mathematics. Authors may submit for publication papers that have been published elsewhere provided they have permission from the original publisher/editor, and previous publications details must be included in the paper. Note that academic ethics requires that papers submitted for consideration elsewhere are not submitted here during the processes of refereeing/acceptance elsewhere.

Format of submissions: Authors are requested to format their submissions to look like previously published papers and a Template is attached here – All submissions must be electronic, in MS Word compatible formats (not PDF) with full author details.

Refereeing: All papers are submitted to peer-review on which basis the decision is made whether to accept, request revisions or reject. This is an open review process and author names are not blinded or concealed. Please the full paper, ready for publication. The editor’s advice may be sought in advance of submission (p.ernest @ If you have not had acknowledgement of your submission within one or two weeks please email the editor.

Copyright Notice.  All materials published herein remain copyright of the named authors, or of the editor if unattributed. Permission is given to freely copy the journal contents on a not-for-profit basis, provided full credit is given to the author and the journal, and the integrity of papers is preserved.

Fees. No fees are charged to authors or readers under any circumstances. This is a fully open access journal. Other institutions may, with permission, mirror this site provided that no fees are charged ever.

Acknowledgement The journal is made possible by the generous support of University of Exeter Graduate School of Education STEM Research Centre (CRISTME). Special thanks are due to Jane Tanner.

Founding Editor:  Emeritus Professor Paul Ernest, University of Exeter, Graduate School of Education, Exeter, U.K.  No post to this address please.  Contact: P.Ernest @ (remove the spaces)