EDITOR                  Disability and Society: The Leading Journal in Disability

2005 to date           Studies, Taylor & Francis, London 


Stanier J, Purtell R, Thomas D, Murray W. Part of the team: Effecting change and sharing power in healthcare settings. Patient Experience Journal. 2023; 10(1):164-172. doi: 10.35680/2372-0247.1766

Purtell, R., Budge, G., Fakoussa, O., Kallu, M. & Mitchell, A. (2018) What Do You Get When You Collaborate? Reflections on the experience of writing a chapter together, Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy Volume 18, Number 1, March, 2018, PCCS Books Ltd.

Fakoussa, O., Budge, G., Kallu, M., Mitchell, A. & Purtell, R. (2018) What can teachers of critical and community psychology learn from their learners? In: Newnes, C & Golding, L. (Eds.) Teaching Critical Psychology: International Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge. Pp 100-122.

Forrest, V., Hunjan, R., Purtell, R. (2013) Change in Action: The ups and downs of doing something together, power, leadership and identity. PowerHouse,


Purtell, R. (2013) Music and the Social Model of Disability, in Williams J.Q. (ed) Music and the Social Model, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London

Rickard, W., & Purtell R., (2013) Doing Good Carer-Led Research Reflecting on Past Caring Methodology in Staddon, P. (Ed) Mental Health Service Users in Research, Policy Press, Bristol      

Purtell, R.A, Wyatt, K.M. (2011) Measuring something real and useful in consumer involvement in health and social care research, International Journal of Consumer Studies 35 (2011) 605–608 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Purtell, R.A. (2011) Notes from the 5th International Disability Studies Conference Editorial, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, May 2011, Vol 18, No 5

Purtell, R., Rickard, W. & Wyatt, K. (2011) Should We? Could We? Measuring Involvement, in Barnes, M. & Cotterell, P. (eds) Critical Perspectives on User Involvement. Bristol. Policy Press

Purtell, R.A. & Gibson, A. (2011) How to make health and social care research radical and really, really useful, in Lloyd, C. and Heller, T (eds) Long Term Conditions: Challenges in Health and Social care practice. London. Sage

Rickard, W., & Purtell, R. (2011) Finding a way to pay in the UK: Methods and mechanisms for paying service users involved in research, Disability & Society Volume 26, Number 1, January 2011, Routledge

Mitchell, A., Farrand, P., James, H., Luke, R., Purtell, R. and Wyatt, K. (2009), Patients’ Experience Of Transition Onto Haemodialysis: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Renal Care, 35: 99–107. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-6686.2009.00094.x

Mitchell, A., Purtell, R. (2009) Community Approaches, Social Inclusion and User Involvement, in Beinart, H., Kennedy, P. & Llewelyn, S.(eds) Clinical Psychology in Practice, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell;

Barnard, A., Carter, M., Britten, N., Purtell, R., Wyatt, K., Ellis, A (2005) PC11 Report. An evaluation of consumer involvement in the London Primary Care Studies Programme. Eastleigh Involve.

Purtell, R., Baxter, L., & Mitchell, A. (2003). Doing Research Together, in Ramon, S., (Ed) Users as Researchers in Health and Social Care. London, Venture Press.

Purtell, R., Steel, R. (2003) Credibility and the patient’s voice in Improving the success of Homeopathy 4: Bridging the Credibility Gap. RLHH

Wyatt, K.M. & Purtell, R.A. (2002). Research Governance in health made simple: A brief introduction to the Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care 2001. Now available through Involve.

Thorne, L., Purtell, R., Baxter, L. (2002). Knowing How: A guide to getting involved in research. University of Exeter, Exeter

White, A., Purtell, R. & Barr, G. (2001). Consumer Involvement in CAM Research, Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Elsevier Science Ltd, London

Grants Held/Co-Applicant

  • £656,572 ‘Folk.us’ Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry funder NIHR 2008-2012

£148,200 ‘Folk.us’ Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry funder NCCRCD 2006 – 2008 

£139,000 ‘An evaluation of consumer involvement in the London Primary Care Studies Programme’, Peninsula Medical School,  funder Involve 2003

£31,000  ‘Seminar Series Toronto Group and SCIE Funder JFR 2004

£15,000 ‘User Controlled Research: its meanings and potential’, Shaping Our Lives funder Involve 2003.

£10,000 ‘Research and Your Services’ University of Exeter Funder  PPP (now The Health Foundation) 2001