What Folk.us did about Policies and Guidance

Research Governance Framework 2002

Research Governance made simple

We created a User-Friendly version of the University Contract used to contract suppliers.

What Folk.us did about Paying People?

Commissioned a report in 2000 and created one of the first policies on paying people for involvement.

We did a review of all the guidance:

Rickard, Wendy and Purtell, Rachel(2011) ‘Finding a way to pay in the UK: methods and mechanisms for paying service users involved in research’, Disability & Society, 26: 1, 33 -48

Training on Welfare Benefits delivered by Devon Welfare Rights Unit for Universities, NHS and County Council Finance and Payroll Staff and Service Users, Patients and Carers.

We nearly got Universities wide Finance codes specifically for involvement. Simon at Plymouth tried!

We have been suggesting creative ways of paying for people’s time. such as paying bills for people.