What Folk.us did about Research Projects

Folk.us Grants 2002/3
We designed a whole process for Patients, Service users and carers to apply for funding.
Hounsell, J. & Owens, C. (2005). User researchers in control, Mental Health Today, May pages 29-32
Belam, J., Harris, G., Kernick, D. Kline, F., Lindley, K., McWatt, J., Mitchell, A. & Reinhold, D. (2005). A qualitative study of migraine involving patient researchers’. British Journal of General Practice, Vol 55(511), 87-93.
Living Options (2004) Devon An assessment of service provision at the point of diagnosis of a permanent visual loss – a user-led study”.

SANDNET & Folk.us Joint Award
Ruel B. (2007) Personal profile on pain.
British Journal of General Practice, Feb;57(535):163
Blake S., Ruel B., Seamark C., & Seamark D. (2007) Experiences of patients requiring strong opioid drugs for chronic non-cancer pain: a patient-initiated study British Journal of General Practice, February 2007

Folk.us-PenCLAHRC Awards 2012-13
We designed a whole process for applying for these awards. Service users and carers made the decision there were scientific reviewers.
Improving things for women with alcohol issues – Patsy Staddon, September 22 2013
What is known Self-Care: a comprehensive review of the literature relating to the views of service users and GPs–Tessa Trappes-Lomax.