Small voices, big noises Lay involvement in health research:
Lessons from other fields (2001) – Lisa Baxter, Lisa Thorne and Annie Mitchell. The research was undertaken in association with Folk.us

Regular Forums
Advised Researchers and Projects – Over 100 enquires per year
We put people in touch and supported people to be involved in research projects
Clinical Research Networks, Stroke and Diabetes research networks in particular.

Helped with applications and setting up of PPI in PenCLAHRC 1 and 2, which is now PenARC
Co-Applicants on National Studies
We sat on Committees and groups (so many committees and groups!)
Explored project ideas with local patients, service users and carers (which included visiting Exeter Prison)
We worked with University of Exeter catalyst on what has become the turning tides project.

Folk.us is a set of ideas about:
- Justice
- Democracy
- Power
- The use of knowledge
- Equality
- Fairness
- Shared Experience
- Community

All of which can be and will continue to be enacted through meaningful and proactive involvement in Research.
What Folk.us did!
Folk.us Conferences for which we were rather famous!
Research: Who’s It For Anyway? 1999
User Involvement in Research: From ‘We can’t do it’ To ‘We did it!’ 2002
Folk.us Revealed: The Untold Story 2005
Turning the Tide 2010: Research by, for and with service users