The below statement was sent to Routes members via the network mailing list on 7th August 2024.

Given the surge in racist and Islamophobic violence that has been taking place over the last week, we at Routes wanted to reach out to the network to express our support for everyone affected. These events are distressing to us all, but we know that many of our colleagues and friends who belong to the groups targeted by this violence will be particularly worried. We stand with you in solidarity and want you to know that we are here to offer whatever support we can. We are a network and at the heart of what we do is the connection of people. If we can help by putting you in touch with relevant local anti-racist and community support organisations, let us know. 

As scholars of migration, mobility and displacement, we know that ongoing events are the product of the longstanding political instrumentalisation of migration to displace blame for economic decline and struggling public services onto asylum seekers and other racialised groups. Through our work we must continue to reject and dismantle these narratives, which have led to this appalling violence. 

We want to take this opportunity to share some resources that may be useful. The linked document is a resource from Hope not Hate, the final page of which outlines some information for people fearful of or at risk of being directly targeted by far-right violence, that may be helpful to those worried about their safety. We’d also like to share the recent statement by the National Union of Students, which we feel expresses some of our own thoughts about the current situation, and includes links to guidance for student union officers and students. You can access the statement here. 

Best wishes,

The Routes Team (Helena, Lena, Nick, Ben and Hannah)