Journeys (with)in: Securitisation of Migration in the Classroom

Journeys (with)in: Securitisation of Migration in the Classroom

Journeys with(in): Learning and Teaching Securitisation of Migration

Welcome to Journeys with(in)!

Hola, I am Gabriela García García, an academic migrant from Ecuador, South America, teaching and researching in the UK about (forced)migration, security, and identity. Journeys with(in) emerged driven by my own path of discovery of creative methods, my interest in teaching inclusively, and largely inspired by my POL3300 students’ commitment and interest in our subject.

This a journey for me as an educator, extending my methods of teaching to the arts and experiential learning. And a journey for my students, using our classroom as a space of reflection, critique, and knowledge sharing.

My POL3300 module on Securitisation of Migration engages with the complexities of associating migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Internally Displaced Persons, with security. The module itself is a journey, from governmental narratives, in the camp, borders, and everyday, to the lived experiences and agency of refugees and migrants.

We developed a tool kit of critiques, revealing the gendered, racialised, classed, and colonial impacts of securitising (forcibly) displaced populations. And we reflect upon the role of images, food, hospitality, diversity models, laws, climate change, and technology.

Everyone has a journey, welcome to ours.

‘Tenacidad’ – collage made by Gabriela