Schools and colleges

We invited secondary schools and colleges across the UK to take part in an online survey looking at current policies and provisions for supporting young people with self-harm and suicide. The survey took about 25 minutes to complete and asked questions about:

  • What written policies (i.e., formal documents which must be followed by all staff) the school or college currently has in place around self-harm and suicide.
  • What support is provided and procedures are followed for young people around self-harm and suicide.
  • How the school or college talks with students about self-harm and suicide.
  • What areas are considered barriers to supporting students within the school or college.
  • What additional support the school or college would like around self-harm and suicide.

We had 115 responses to the survey. The results are currently being analysed and written up.

Youth organisation governing bodies (YOGBs)

We are inviting the governing bodies of youth organisations (those who regulate and sanction managed or volunteer based organisations) to participate in an online survey. These include religious, sports and communication/activity based organisations that govern groups/clubs that young people participate in. This survey asks questions on: 

  • What written policies (i.e., formal documents which must be followed by all staff) the YOGB currently has in place around self-harm and suicide.
  • How YOGBs support club leaders and staff to talk with young people about self-harm and suicide.
  • What training YOGBs offer club staff around self-harm and suicide.
  • What additional support YOGBs would like around self-harm and suicide.

Why are we doing this research? 

We want to better understand what processes currently take place in educational settings and YOGBs to prevent self-harm and suicide, and to support young people and staff when self-harm or a suicide has occurred.  

Who developed the surveys 

The teams at Exeter and Bristol Universities along with Sally O’Keeffe (Newcastle University) developed the surveys. They developed questions using information from survey content used in other self-harm and suicide research.  

How did you know the survey questions could be answered? 

The surveys were given to some willing school based staff in a variety of geographical locations who were asked to answer the questions and provide feedback on anything they found difficult or did not know the answer to. This is sometimes referred to as ‘piloting the survey’. We then made amendments to the survey questions and structure as required.  

Participant Information Sheet (PIS) 

The PIS provides participants with information on why we are doing the survey, and what can be expected for example the type of questions and topics they may be asked about in the survey. Please click here to access a copy.

Any questions? 

For questions about the surveys, please contact Dr Abby Russell:

For questions about the ‘youth organisation governing body’ survey, you can also contact Ananya Khera:

Photo 1 by Vanessa Garcia; Photo 2 by Bella Co