We are currently recruiting people based in Bristol and North Somerset, Birmingham, Lincolnshire, and the Tees Valley to be interviewed for the next phase of the study.
Interviews with young people
We are looking to interview young people aged 14 to 21 who have experience of self-harm or bereavement from suicide.
We will be asking young people about:
- What they know about getting support from places like their school or college; clubs or teams; and youth organisations.
- Any barriers young people have experienced to getting mental health support from a professional and what might make this easier.
- Experiences receiving support if they or someone they know has hurt themselves on purpose, or if someone in their community has died by suicide.
- What young people think is important for people providing support to do.
All are welcome, and we are keen to speak to a diverse group of young people including those who identify as LGBTQIA+, who are neurodivergent, have a disability, are a young carer or belong to a minoritised ethnic group.
Interviews with adult stakeholders
We are also interviewing adults who work with young people about their experiences of delivering and receiving support about suicide and self-harm in young people.

We will be asking adults working with young people about:
- Experiences of delivering or receiving support, both to prevent suicide and self-harm and in the aftermath of a death by suicide.
- What adults working with young people feel is helpful and not helpful when delivering and receiving support.
- What areas need to be improved in existing support guidance.
- Important components of guidance for organisations and professionals working with young people.
Why are you doing this research?
We want to better understand the experiences and needs of people who provide and receive support to prevent and respond to suicide and self harm in youth organisations. We are looking for ways to improve the support that is currently available and reduce any inequalities in giving and receiving support.
How can I support the study?
If you cannot take part in the study but would still like to support us, please help us by sharing our recruitment material in your networks. You can download PDF and image files of our recruitment flyers from the website page here.
Participant Information Sheet (PIS)
The PIS provides participants with information on why we are doing the interview and what can be expected, such as the type of questions and topics they may be asked about.
For a copy of the participant information sheet, please visit the participant information sheet page.
Any questions?
For questions about interviews with young people, please contact Dr Abby Russell: A.E.Russell@exeter.ac.uk
For questions about interviews with adults working with young people, please contact Dr Judi Kidger: judi.kidger@bristol.ac.uk
Photo by Monstera Production