The theme for this year’s Technical Services Poster Competition is ‘Technicians Make it Happen’
Taking inspiration from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation ‘Technicians Make It Happen’ campaign which aims to raise awareness of the role of technicians and technical careers, the TSC2017 award for the “Technicians Make it Happen” poster will recognise the most interesting poster that captures the spirit of the TMiH campaign.
We would like your posters to be an insight as to how your work impacts on the teams or colleges you work in. Your poster can showcase any aspects of what you or your technical team do that keeps the cogs of teaching and research turning.
This can be anything from the nuts and bolts daily tasks that so often go unseen but without which things would grind to a halt to more complex research and engineering tasks. We would like activities depicted to be technical team based jobs rather than an overview of an academic field of work or research project, unless of course the project is entirely carried out by technical services staff.
We would also like your posters to include an original motivational quote or statement so get your thinking caps on!
Prize – The winning poster creator, as selected by our judging panel, will be presented with £500.00 of Amazon vouchers and a Certificate of Achievement.
Read more on our website here.