The Antigonid Network

The Antigonid Network

Forthcoming & Recent Publications

This page contains publications on the Antigonids that have come out in the last five years.

In preparation/Forthcoming:

  • Hermathena special issue, “The Antigonid Empire in Greece”, edited by Shane Wallace with contributions by Dunn & Hall, Paschidis, Soza, Kremydi & Carrier, D’Agostini, Rose, Nicholson, and Wallace. Publication date: c. 2025.
  • Bourrieau, P. & J. Olivier, “Le monnayage d’Andriscos reconsidéré”, RN, 2024 (forthcoming in Revue Numismatique).
  • Cazemier, A. & E. Nicholson, Ancient Macedon’s Last Dynasty: A History of the Antigonids, Routledge: in preparation.


  • Blet-Lemarquand, M., P.-O. Hochard, P. Bourrieau & C. Pinault (2024) “Analyse élémentaire de monnaires d’argent antigonides. Premiers résultats et commentaires, in P.-O. Hochard ed., Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis.
  • Bourrieau, P. (2024) “La fin de l’abondance ? M. Rostovtzeff, les monnayages antigonides et l’apport des études charactéroscopiques”, in P.-O. Hochard ed., Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis.
  • Hochard, P.-O. (ed.) Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis, Ausonius, 2024.


  • Chrysafis, C., A. Hartman, C. Schliephake &  G. Weber (2023) Basileus eirenophylax: Friedenskultur(en) und monarchische Repräsentation in der Antike, Franz Steiner Verlag.
  • Filias, D. (2023). The trial of Demetrius: some observations on legal procedure against court misconduct under Philip V of Macedonia. Journal of Ancient History11(1), 92-106.
  • Kravaritou, S. (2023) “Herakles and Herakles Kynagidas as in Magnesia and Perrhaibia”, Tekmeria 17: 101-172.
  • Nicholson, E. (2023) Philip V in Polybius’ Histories: Politics, History and Fiction, OUP, Oxford.
  • Nicholson, E. (2023) ‘Power, Politics and Court Management in the Reign of Philip V of Macedon’, M. de Carvalho, A. Moreno Leoni & N. F. José (eds.) Impérios e Redes de Sociabilidade no Mundo Antigo [Empires and Social Networks in the Ancient World], UNESP.
  • Ogden, D. (2023) Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties, 2nd edition, Classical Press of Wales.
  • Paschidis, P., Martín González, M., Athanasiadis, G. & I. Graikos (2023) Επιγραφές Αμφαξίτιδας (μεταξύ του Αξιού ποταμού και της ορεογραμμής Βερτίσκου – Κερδυλλίων). Τεύχος Α΄: Επιγραφές Κρηστωνίας, Μυγδονίας, Ανθεμούντα. Institute of Historical Research Publications, Athens.
  • Worthington, I. (2023) The Last Kings of Macedonia and the Triumph of Rome, OUP, Oxford.
  • Wrightson, G. (2023) The Third Macedonian War and Battle of Pydna: Perseus’ Neglect of Combined-arms Tactics and the Real Reasons for the Roman Victory, Pen & Sword.


  • Brisson, P.-L. (2022) ‘Paul-Émile devant le peuple: opinion publique romaine et politique extérieure au deuxième siècle av. J.-C.’ Mouseion , 19(1), 44-71.
  • Caselle, M. (2022) ‘Μετὰ τῶν θεῶν: onori divini per i sovrani antigonidi nell’Atene del primo periodo ellenistico.’ Filosofia, storia, immaginario mitologico : nuovi approcci. Eds. Berardi, Elisabetta and Castiglioni, Maria Paola. Sophia; 3. Alessandria: Ed. dell’Orso, 2022. 167-186.
  • Chrysafis, C. (2022) “Garnisonssoldaten und städtisches Milieu: Untersuchungen zur Einsetzung antigonidischer Garnisonen in den griechischen Städten”, In: Sänger P. – Scheuble-Reiter S.(eds.), Söldner und Berufsoldaten in der griechischen Welt, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 87-108.
  • Cook, Brad L. (2022). ‘Philip V and Lysimacheia: an oath in gold.’ Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 62(2): 203-238.
  • D’Agostini, M. (2022) ‘King, Queen, and Greek cities. Polycratia and Philip V.’ Aevum 96: 45-64.
  • Gherchanoc, F. (2022) ‘Un « roi de théâtre » ou Comment faire de son corps un spectacle : à propos de Démétrios Poliorcète et de quelques autres.’ Le corps des souverains dans les mondes hellénistique et romain. Eds. Gangloff, A. & G. Gorre, Histoire. Rennes: Pr. Universitaires de Rennes, 2022. 109-126.
  • Kuzmin,Y. N. (2022) “Phila and Phthia: the Names of Antigonid Queens in Two Recently Published Athenian Decrees”, ZPE 221: 113–120.
  • Lucas, T. (2022), “La Béotie et les Antigonides, entre alliance et clientélisme”, in: HIMA. Revue internationale d’histoire militaire ancienne, Vol. 11, 141-157.
  • Pedinelli, V. (2022) ‘Celebrazioni della vittoria in età ellenistica: Demetrio Poliorcete tra strategie della comunicazione, memorie del passato e scopi del presente’, Nuova Antologia Militare, 3: 155-88.
  • Rose, T. & S. Wallace (2022) ‘The Athenian Revolt from Demetrios Poliorketes: New Evidence from Rhamnous (I.Rhamnous 404)’, Ancient History Bulletin, 36.3-4: 166-7.


  • BÖRM, H. (2021), “Gespaltene Städte. Die Parteinahme für makedonische Könige in griechischen Poleis”, in: Pfeiffer, S., Weber G. (eds.), Gesellschaftliche Spaltungen im Zeitalter des Hellenismus (4.–1. Jahrhundert v. Chr.), Stuttgart, 21-55.
  • Bourrieau, P. (2021) ‘Funding the “Macedonian Peloponnese” under Antigonus Doson and Philip V: a Regional Study Case’, in The Koina of Southern Greece: Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism, ed. by C. Grandjean (Bordeaux: Ausonius), pp. 103-17.
  • Buraselis, K. (2021) ‘Symbiosis of Koinon and King: Remarks on the Interconnections between Greek Koina and Hellenistic Monarchs’, in The Koina of Southern Greece: Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism, ed. by C. Grandjean (Bordeaux: Ausonius), pp. 95-102.
  • Carney, E. D. (2021) ‘The first « basilissa »: Phila, daughter of Antipater and wife of Demetrius Poliorcetes.’ New directions in the study of women in the Greco-Roman world. Eds. Ancona, R. & G. Tsouvala, New York: Oxford University Pr., 45-57.
  • Carney, E. D. (2021) ‘Women in Antigonid Monarchy’, in The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Abingdon: Routledge), pp. 307-18.
  • Coşkun, A. (2021) “The Regnal Years of Antigonos Gonatas”, Karanos 4: 49-58.
  • D’Agostini, M. (2021) ‘Il re Filippo V, Messene e il sogno panellenico di Arato.’ Politica Antica 11: 59-74.
  • Egetenmeier, Philip (2021). Zwischen zwei Welten: die Königsfreunde im Dialog zwischen Städten und Monarchen vom Jahr der Könige bis zum Frieden von Apameia (306-188 v. Chr.). Stuttgart: Steiner.
  • Filias, D. (2021). ‘Ho boulomenos in the legal procedure of the Hellenic League of 302 B. C. and Athenian influence on the prosecution systems of the Panhellenic Leagues.’ The Ancient History Bulletin = Revue d’Histoire Ancienne, 35(3-4): 125-149.
  • Hatzopoulos, M.B. (2021) “Quatre nouveaux décrets d’asylie macédoniens: géographie historique et institutions”, REG 134:199-213.
  • Kontogianni, K. (2021) ‘Τα νομίσματα του Φιλίππου Ε’ στην ηπειρωτική Ελλάδα.’ In Pappas, V. & D. Terzopoulou (eds.), Αρχαία Μακεδονία. 8, Η Μακεδονία από τον θάνατο του Φιλίππου Β’ έως την άνοδο του Αυγούστου στην εξουσία : ανακοινώσεις κατά το όγδοο Διεθνές Συμπόσιο: Θεσσαλονίκη, 21-24 Νοεμβρίου 2017. Thessaloniki: Idryma Meleton Chersonisou tou Aimou. 45-60.
  • Landucci, F. (2021) ‘At the court of Antigonus Gonatas, the heir of two dynasties.’ In Walsh, J. & E. Baynham (eds.), Alexander the Great and propaganda, Abingdon/New York, Routledge, 94-106.
  • Mari, M. (2021) ‘Ruler Cults in Macedonia: A Reappraisal’, Richerche Ellenistiche, 2: 107-42.
  • Pedinelli, V. (2021), Un pantheon per gli Antigonidi. Dinamiche politiche e autorappresentazione di una dinastia ellenistica, Dissertation, Bologna.
  • Pinault, C. (2021) ‘King Perseus and Koina: Diplomatic Stakes in Greece from 179 to 168 BC’, in The Koina of Southern Greece: Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism, ed. by C. Grandjean (Bordeaux: Ausonius), pp. 119-30.
  • Strootman, F. (2021) ‘Women and Dynasty at the Hellenistic Imperial Courts’, in The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World, ed. by E. D. Carney & S. Müller (Abingdon: Routledge) pp. 333-45.
  • Waterfield, R. (2021) The Making of a King: Antigonus Gonatas of Macedon and the Greeks (University of Chicago Press).
  • Wheatley, P. (2021) ‘Mithridates Ctistes and Demetrius Poliorcetes: Erastes and Eromenos?’, in Affective Relations and Personal Bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity, ed. by M. D’Agostini, E. M. Anson, & F. Pownall (Oxford: Oxbow), pp. 213-23.
  • Wheatley, P. & C. Dunn C (2021) ‘Coinage as Propaganda: Alexander and His Successors’, in J. Walsh & E. Baynham (ed) Alexander the Great and Propaganda, Routledge, pp. 162-198.


  • D’Agostini, M. (2020) “DA FILA A FTIA DI MACEDONIA. RIFLESSIONI SULLA REGALITÀ FEMMINILE DEGLI ANTIGONIDI (IG II3 1 1023): (From Phila to Phthia of Macedonia. Remarks on female kingship among the Antigonids),” Aevum 94: 75-89.
  • Bosnakis, D.& K.Hallof (2020) “Alte und neue Inschriften aus Kos VI”, Chiron 50: 287-326.
  • Ferrara, F. M. (2020) Basileus e Basileia. Forme e luoghi della regalità macedone, Thiasos Monografie, 14, Edizioni Quasar.
  • Ferrara, F. M. & P. Vannicelli (eds.) La Macedonia antica e la nascita dell’Ellenismo alle origini dell’Europa, Scienze dell’Antichità, 26.3, Rome: Quasar, 2020.
  • Hatzopoulos, M. B. (2020) Ancient Macedonia, Trends in Classics – Key Perspectives on Classical Research, Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Kuzmin, Y. (2020), “Notes on the Antigonid Court, Administration, and Military Command under Demetrius II (239–229 B.C.)” in: Monumenta Vol. 5, 227-240.
  • Lorenzo, K. (2020), ‘Early Hellenistic Royal Ideology and the Marine Thiasos of the Monument of the Bulls on Delos’, Classical World, 113.4: 435-63.
  • Nicholson, E. (2020) “Hellenic Romans and Barbaric Macedonians: Polybius on Hellenism and Changing Hegemonic Powers”, Ancient History Bulletin, 34(1-2): 38-73.
  • Panagopoulou, K. (2020) The Early Antigonids: Coinage, Money and the Economy (Numismatic Studies 37), N.York: American Numismatic Society Special Series.
  • Pedinelli, V. (2020) “Σωτὴρ καὶ Εὐεργέτης. Onori per il re Antigono Dosone tra innovazione e rispetto della tradizione antigonide [Σωτὴρ καὶ Εὐεργέτης. Honours for the King Antigonos Doson, between Innovation and Respect of the Antigonid Tradition]”, Mythos 14: 1-17.
  • Pimouguet-Pédarros, I. (2020) ‘Théâtre, guerre de siège et puissance du roi en représentation: Démétrios selon Plutarque’, in Plutarque et la construction de l’Histoire: entre récit historique et invention littéraire, ed. by P. Maréchaux & B. Mineo (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes), pp. 127-42.
  • Rose, T. C. (2020) “The Life and Afterlife of a Hellenistic Flagship: The “Sixteen” of Demetrius Poliorcetes Revisited” in Ancient History Bulletin, 34 (3-4): 94-112.
  • Wheatley, P. (2020) “The Implications of ‘Poliorcetes’: Was Demetrius the Besieger’s Nickname Ironic?” Histos 14, 152-84.
  • Wheatley, P. & C. Dunn (2020) Demetrius the Besieger, Oxford.


  • Chrysafis, C. (2019) “A Note on the history of Hellenistic Megara: Τhe date of the Antigonid garrison in Aegosthena”, Tekmeria, 14, 181-202.
  • D’Agostini, M. (2019) The Rise of Philip V. Kingship and Rule in the Hellenistic World, Ed. dell’Orso, Alexandria.
  • Daubner, F. (2019) “‘What on earth became of them all?’ Continuity and change in Macedonian society after the Roman conquest”, in E. Perego/R. Scopacasa/S. R. Amicone (eds.), Collapse or survival? Micro-dynamics of crisis, change and socio-political endurance in the first–millennium BC central Mediterranean, Oxford, 139–154.
  • Enrico, M. (2019) ‘Dioniso alla guerra: Demetrio Poliorcete secondo Plutarco’, Revue Internationale d’Histoire Militaire Ancienne, 8: 247-61.
  • Gastaldi, E. C. & M. Mari (2019) “Una lettera di Filippo V agli Ateniesi di Efestia (Lemno)” Axon 3 (2), 193-224.
  • Kleu, M. (2019) “Die Schlacht bei Zama habe ich nie verwunden – Antikenrezeption in ausgewählten Kurzgeschichten Isaac Asimovs”, in M. Kleu (ed.) Antikenrezeption in der Science Fiction, Essen, S. 106-126.
  • Kleu, M. (2019) “The Demographic Impact of War on the Home Front During the Reign of Philip V of Macedon” in L. Cecchet. C. Degelmann, M. Patzelt (eds.) The Ancient War’s Impact on the Home Front, Cambridge, 217-235.
  • Kleu, M. (2019) ‘”Weder beweint noch bestattet” – Philipp V. von Makedonien und die Gefallenen von Kynoskephalai’, in K.-J. Hölkeskamp, J. Hoffmann-Salz, K. Kostopoulos, S. Lentzsch (edd.) Die Grenzen des Prinzips – Die Infragestellung von Werten in antiken Gemeinschaften, Stuttgart, 107-121.
  • Kremydi, S. (2018) Autonomous’ Coinages under the late Antigonids. Μελετήματα 79, NHRF, Athens.
  • Kuzmin, Y. N. (2019) “King Demetrius II of Macedon: In the Shadow of Father and Son”, ŽAnt 69 (2019) 59–84.
  • Landucci, F. (2019) “Gli intellettuali a corte: storia di una presenza dalla corte macedone alle corti ellenistiche” in Bearzot, C., Landucci, F., Zecchini, G. (ed.) Migranti e lavoro qualificato nel mondo antico, Vita e Pensiero, MILANO — ITA 2019: 51- 69.
  • Martin, T. R. (2019) ‘Cognitive Dissonance, Defeat, and the Divinization of Demetrius Poliorcetes in Early Hellenistic Athens’, in The Routledge Handbook of Classics and Cognitive Theory, ed. by P. Meineck, W. M. Short & J. Devereaux (London: Routledge), pp. 216-39.
  • Rose, T. (2019) “Demetrius the Besieger (and Fortifier) of Cities: A Case Study in Early Hellenistic Siege Warfare.” In J. Armstrong and M. Trundle (eds.) Brill’s Companion to Sieges in the Ancient Mediterranean. Leiden, 169-190.