The Antigonid Network

The Antigonid Network


  1. General
  2. Historiography & Literature
  3. Epigraphy
  4. Coinage
  5. Archaeology, Art, and Material Culture
  6. The Antigonid Royal Family, Women, and Court
  7. Antigonids & Cults/Religious Activity
  8. The Antigonids and the Greeks
  9. The Antigonid Army, Navy, and Military Activity
  10. Antigonus I Monophthalmus
  11. Demetrius I Poliorcetes
  12. Antigonus II Gonatas
  13. Demetrius II Aetolicus
  14. Antigonus III Doson
  15. Philip V
  16. Perseus

1. General:

  • Alonso Troncoso, V. & E. M. Anson (2013) After Alexander: The Time of the Diadochi (323-281 BC), Oxford.
  • Boehm, R. (2018) City and Empire in the Age of the Successors: Urbanization and Social Response in the Making of the Hellenistic Kingdoms, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Chaniotis, A. (2018) Age of Conquests: the Greek World from Alexander to Hadrian, Harvard University Press.
  • Clancier, Ph., O. Coloru, & G.Gorre (2017) Les mondes hellénistiques. Du Nil à l’Indus, Vanves, Hachette.
  • Ferrara, F. M. & P. Vannicelli (eds.) La Macedonia antica e la nascita dell’Ellenismo alle origini dell’Europa, Scienze dell’Antichità, 26.3, Rome: Quasar, 2020.
  • Guimier-Sorbets, A.-M., M. B. Hatzopoulos & Y. Morizot (eds.) Rois, cités, nécropoles : institutions, rites et monuments en Macédoine. Μελετήματα 45, Athens, 2006.
  • Hammond, N. G. L. & F. W. Walbank (1988) History of Macedonia: Volume III: 336-167 B.C., OUP, Oxford.
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (1989) The Macedonian State: The Origins, Institutions and History, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Hammond, N. G. L. (2000) “The Continuity of Macedonian Institutions and the Macedonian Kingdoms of the Hellenistic Era”, Historia: Zeitschrift Für Alte Geschichte, 49(2), 141-160.
  • Hatzopoulos, M.B. (1996) Macedonian Institutions Under the Kings: A historical and epigraphic study, Meletemata Series, No. 22., 2 vols. De Boccard
  • Hatzopoulos, M.B. (2016) Νεότης γεγυμνασμένη. Macedonian Lawgiver Kings and the Youth, Athens.
  • Hatzopoulos, M. B. (2020) Ancient Macedonia, Trends in Classics – Key Perspectives on Classical Research, Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Howe, T. & F. Pownall (eds) Ancient Macedonians in Greek and Roman Sources: From History to Historiography, Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
  • Kalaitzi, M., Paschidis, P., Antonetti, C. & A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets (2018) Βορειοελλαδικά. Tales from the lands of the ethne. Essays in honour of Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos / Histoires du monde des ethné. Études en l’honneur de Miltiade B. Hatzopoulos, Meletemata 78, Institute of Historical Research Publications, NHRF, Athens.
  • King, C.J. (2017) Ancient Macedonia. London – New York.
  • Lane Fox, R. J. (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD, Brill, Leiden.
  • Mari, M. (ed.) L’età ellenistica. Società, politica, cultura, Rome, Carocci, 2019.
  • Muccioli, F. (2018) ‘L’anello debole della catena? L’egemonia macedone nella tradizione antica sulla translatio imperii’ L.R. Cresci, F. Gazzano (eds.) De imperiis. L’idea di impero universale e la successione degli imperi nell’antichità. Roma, 81 – 136.
  • Muccioli, F. (2019) Storia dell’ Ellenismo, Bologna, Il Mulino.
  • Ogden, D. (2023) Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties, 2nd edition, Classical Press of Wales.
  • Thornton, J. (2013) Le guerre macedoniche, Roma, Carocci.
  • Worthington, I. (2023)The Last Kings of Macedonia and the Triumph of Rome, OUP, Oxford

2. Historiography & Literature:

  • D’Agostini, M. (2015) ‘Il discorso del re: Filippo V in Giustino.’ In C. Bearzot and F. Landucci (eds.) Studi Sull’Epitome di Giustino II. Da Alessandro Magno a Filippo V di Macedonia. Milano, 121 – 144.
  • D’Agostini, M. (2011) ‘Filippo V e la Storia Romana di Appiano.’ Aevum 85, 99 – 121.
  • Dreyer, B. (2013) “Frank Walbank’s Philippos Tragoidoumenos” in B. Gibson & T. Harrison (eds.) Polybius and His World: Essays in Memory of F. W. Walbank, Oxford.
  • Enrico, M. (2019) ‘Dioniso alla guerra: Demetrio Poliorcete secondo Plutarco’, Revue Internationale d’Histoire Militaire Ancienne, 8: 247-61.
  • Nicholson, E. (2018) “Philip V of Macedon, ‘Eromenos of the Greeks’: A Note and Reassessment”, Hermes 146(2), 241-255. doi:10.25162/Hermes-2018-0020
  • Nicholson, E. (2018) “Polybios, the Laws of War, and Philip V of Macedon”, Historia 67(4), 434-453. doi:10.25162/HISTORIA-2018-0017
  • Nicholson, E. (2020) “Hellenic Romans and Barbaric Macedonians: Polybius on Hellenism and Changing Hegemonic Powers”, Ancient History Bulletin, 34.1-2.
  • Nicholson, E. (2023) Philip V in Polybius’ Histories: Politics, History and Fiction, OUP, Oxford.
  • Pelling, C. (2018) ‘Ritual Gone Wrong in Demetrius-Antony: Or, “You’re not a deity, you’re a very naughty boy”’, Ariadne, 23-24: 41-59.
  • Pimouguet-Pédarros, I. (2020) ‘Théâtre, guerre de siège et puissance du roi en représentation: Démétrios selon Plutarque’, in Plutarque et la construction de l’Histoire: entre récit historique et invention littéraire, ed. by P. Maréchaux & B. Mineo (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes), pp. 127-42.
  • Thornton, J. (2013) “Polibio e gli imperi (Filippo V, Cartagine e altri paradeigmata)” in Dialogues d histoire ancienne Suppl. 9:145-164.
  • Walbank, F. W. (1942) “Alcaeus of Messene, Philip V, and Rome”, The Classical Quarterly, 36(3/4), 134-145.
  • Walbank, F. (1943) “Alcaeus of Messene, Philip V, and Rome (Concluded)”, The Classical Quarterly, 37(1/2), 1-13.
  • Walbank, F. (1944) “Alcaeus of Messene, Philip V, and Rome: A Footnote (Continued)”, The Classical Quarterly, 38(3/4), 87-88.
  • Wheatley, P. & C. Dunn (2020) Demetrius the Besieger, Oxford.

3. Epigraphy:

  • Bengtson, H. (1971) Die Inschriften von Labranda und die Politik des Antigonos Doson, München, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Beck in Komm.
  • Boiy, T. (2001) “Dating Problems in Cuneiform Tablets Concerning the Reign of Antigonus Monophthalmus.” Journal of the American Oriental Society, 121 (4), 645–649.
  • Boiy, T. (2009) “Date Formulas in Cuneiform Tablets and Antigonus Monophthalmus, Again” Journal of the American Oriental Society, 129(3), 467-476.
  • Bosnakis, D.& K.Hallof (2020) “Alte und neue Inschriften aus Kos VI”, Chiron 50: 287-326.
  • D’Agostini, M. (2022) (2022) ‘King, Queen, and Greek cities. Polycratia and Philip V.’ Aevum 96: 45-64.
  • Gounaropoulou, L. & M. B. Hatzopoulos (1998) Επιγραφές Κάτω Μακεδονίας (μεταξύ του Βερμίου όρους και του Αξιού ποταμού). Τεύχος Α’: Επιγραφές Βεροίας. Institute of Historical Research Publications, NHRF, Athens.
  • Gounaropoulou, L., Paschidis, P. & M. B. Hatzopoulos (2015) Επιγραφές Κάτω Μακεδονίας. (Μεταξύ του Βερμίου Όρους και του Αξιού Ποταμού). Τεύχος Β’. Institute of Historical Research Publications, NHRF, Athens.
  • Hatzopoulos, M.B. (1996) Macedonian Institutions Under the Kings: A historical and epigraphic study, Meletemata Series, No. 22., 2 vols. De Boccard
  • Hatzopoulos, M.B. (2016a) ‘Une deuxième copie du diagramma de Philippe V sur le service dans l’armée de campagne, la loi éphébarchique d’Amphipolis et les politarques macédoniens.’ MediterrAnt 19, 203 – 216.
  • Hatzopoulos, M.B. (2021) “Quatre nouveaux décrets d’asylie macédoniens: géographie historique et institutions”, REG 134:199-213.
  • Mari, M. (2017a) ‘Istituzioni cittadine della Macedonia preromana. Alcune novità epigrafiche.’ Historika 7, 345 – 364.
  • Mari, M. (2017b). ‘Local’ and ‘national’ cults in Macedonian royal letters and diagrammata.’ In S. Kravaritou and M. Stamatopoulou (eds.) Religious Interactions in the Hellenistic World, Proceedings of the international conference, Oxford, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, March 18 – 19, 2017. Oxford.
  • Mari, M. (2018) ‘Powers in Dialogue: The Letters and diagrammata of Macedonian Kings to Local Communities’, in Letters and Communities: Studies in the Socio-Political Dimensions of Ancient Epistolography, ed. by P. Ceccarelli, L. Doering, T. Fögen & I. Gildenhard (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 121-46.
  • Mari, M. (2018) “L’attività della cancelleria antigonide negli anni delle guerre romano-macedoniche, in Atti del convegno “Epistolografia pubblica e privata nell’Oriente romano””Università di Torino, 20-21 febbraio 2018, Historikà 8, 283-311.
  • Mari, M. (2019) “Una lettera di Filippo V agli Ateniesi di Efestia (Lemno)” Axon Vol. 3 (2), 193-224.
  • Paschidis, P., Martín González, M., Athanasiadis, G. & I. Graikos (2023) Επιγραφές Αμφαξίτιδας (μεταξύ του Αξιού ποταμού και της ορεογραμμής Βερτίσκου – Κερδυλλίων). Τεύχος Α΄: Επιγραφές Κρηστωνίας, Μυγδονίας, Ανθεμούντα. Institute of Historical Research Publications, NHRF, Athens.
  • Piejko, F. (1983) “A Letter of Philip V to Amphipolis”, Zeitschrift Für Papyrologie Und Epigraphik, 50, 225-226.
  • Raynor, B. (2016) “Theorodokoi, Asylia, and the Macedonian Cities”, GRBS 56.2, 225-262.

4. Coinage:

  • Antigonid Coins Online: 
  • Pella: Coinage of the Kings of Macedonia: 
  • Blet-Lemarquand, M., P.-O. Hochard, P. Bourrieau & C. Pinault (2024) “Analyse élémentaire de monnaires d’argent antigonides. Premiers résultats et commentaires, in P.-O. Hochard ed., Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis.
  • Bourrieau, P. (2021) ‘Funding the “Macedonian Peloponnese” under Antigonus Doson and Philip V: a Regional Study Case’, in The Koina of Southern Greece: Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism, ed. by C. Grandjean (Bordeaux: Ausonius), pp. 103-17.
  • Bourrieau, P. (2024) “La fin de l’abondance ? M. Rostovtzeff, les monnayages antigonides et l’apport des études charactéroscopiques”, in P.-O. Hochard ed., Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis.
  • Brett, A. (1930) “Tetradrachm of Demetrius Poliorcetes”, Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts, 28(168), 71-72.
  • Hill, G. F. (1896) “A Portrait of Perseus of Macedon”, The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society, Third Series, 16, 34-39.
  • Hochard, P.-O. (ed.) Les Antigonides et la Grèce égéenne : numismatique et morceaux choisis, Ausonius, 2024.
  • Kleu, M. (2017) ‘Philip V, the Selci – Hoard and the supposed building of a Macedonian fleet in Lissus’, AHB 31, 112 – 119.
  • Kremydi, S. (2011) “Coinage and Finance” in Lane Fox (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD, 159–178.
  • Kremydi, S. (2018) Autonomous’ Coinages under the late Antigonids. Μελετήματα 79, NHRF, Athens.
  • Kremydi, S. & M.-C. Marcellesi (2019) Les Alexandres après Alexandre. Histoire d’une monnaie commune, Meletemata 81, Institute of Historical Research Publications, NHRF, Athens.
  • Mathisen, R. W. (1981) “Antgonus Gonatas and the Silver Coinages of Macedonia circa 280-270 B.C.” Museum Notes (American Numismatic Society) 26, 79-124.
  • Newell, E. T. (1927) The coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Oliver, G. J. (2001) ‘The politics of coinage: Athens and Antigonus Gonatas.’ In Meadows, A. & K. M. W. Shipton (eds.) Money and its uses in the ancient Greek world, Oxford/New York: OUP, 35-52.
  • Panagopoulou, E. (2000) Antigonos Gonatas: coinage, money and the economy, Thesis (Ph. D. (History)–University College London, 2009).
  • Panagopoulou, K. (2001) ‘The Antigonids: Patterns of a Royal Economy’, in Z. Archibald, J.K. Davies, V. Gabrielsen & G.J. Oliver (eds), ‘Hellenistic Economies’, London: Routledge, 313-362.
  • Panagopoulou, K. (2005-2006) ‘Cross-Reading Images: Iconographic ‘Debates’ between Antigonids and Ptolemies during the Third and Second Centuries BC’, Εulimene 6-7, 163-181.
  • Panagopoulou, K. (2017) ‛Με αφορμή τις απομιμήσεις των πρώιμων Αντιγονιδικών κοπών: οι απομιμήσεις των διεθνών Ελληνιστικών νομισμάτων και ο οικονομικός τους ρόλος’, ‘Εισαγωγή’, in Κ. Παναγοπούλου (ed.), Ανταλλαγές – Συναλλαγές στην Αρχαιότητα, Heraklion: Publications of the School of Philosophy, University fo Crete.
  • Panagopoulou, K. (2019) The Early Antigonids: Coinage, Money and the Economy (Numismatic Studies 37), N.York: American Numismatic Society Special Series.
  • Seltman, C. T. (1909) “A Synopsis of the Coins of Antigonus I and Demetrius Poliorcetes”, The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, Fourth Series, 9, 264-273.
  • Sosin, J. D. (2002) ‘Boeotian silver, Theban agio and bronze drachmas.’ Numismatic Chronicle, 162, 333-339.
  • Stein, H. J. (1935) ‘Perseus of Macedon and his coinage.’ The Numismatist, 855-857.
  • Wheatley P, Dunn C (2021) ‘Coinage as Propaganda: Alexander and His Successors’, in J. Walsh & E. Baynham (ed) Alexander the Great and Propaganda, Routledge, pp. 162-198.

5. Palaces, Art, and Material Culture:

  • Adam-Veleni, P. (2011) “Thessalonica” in Lane Fox (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD, 545–562.
  • Akamatis, I. M. (2011) “Pella” in Lane Fox (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD, 393–408.
  • Badoud, N. (2018) ‘La Victoire de Samothrace, défaite de Philippe V’, Revue Archéologique, n.s., 2: 279-305.
  • Ferrara, F. (2020) Basileus e Basileia. Forme e luoghi della regalità macedone, Thiasos Monografie, 14, Edizioni Quasar.
  • Kottaridi, A. (2011) “The Palace of Aegae” in Lane Fox (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD, 297–333.
  • Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Ch. (2011) “Amphipolis” in Lane Fox (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD, 409–436.
  • Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Ch. (2011) “Philippi” in Lane Fox (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD, 437–425.
  • Gatzolis, C. (2012) Twenty Years of Archaeological Work in Macedonia and Thrace, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
  • Macurdy, G. (1932). “A Note on the Jewellery of Demetrius the Besieger”. American Journal of Archaeology, 36(1), 27-28. doi:10.2307/498267
  • Palagia, O. (2011) “Hellenistic Art” in Lane Fox (2011) Brill’s Companion to Ancient Macedon Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD,477–493.
  • Tsaravopoulos, A. (2010-2013) ‘Ενεπίγραφα καρφιά ή Η λογιστική του στρατού τα ελληνιστικά χρόνια: (οι « αόρατες » επιγραφές).’ ΗΟΡΟΣ, 22-25, 187-198.

6. The Antigonid Royal Family, Women, and Court

  • Carney, E. (2000) Women and Monarchy in Macedonia. Univ. of Oklahoma.
  • Carney, E. (2015) King and Court in Ancient Macedonia: Rivalry, Treason and Conspiracy. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
  • Carney, E. D. (2021) ‘The first « basilissa »: Phila, daughter of Antipater and wife of Demetrius Poliorcetes.’ New directions in the study of women in the Greco-Roman world. Eds. Ancona, R. & G. Tsouvala, New York: Oxford University Pr., 45-57.
  • Carney, E.D. (2021) ‘Women in Antigonid Monarchy’, in The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Abingdon: Routledge), pp. 307-18.
  • D’Agostini, M. (2020) “DA FILA A FTIA DI MACEDONIA. RIFLESSIONI SULLA REGALITÀ FEMMINILE DEGLI ANTIGONIDI (IG II3 1 1023): (From Phila to Phthia of Macedonia. Remarks on female kingship among the Antigonids),” Aevum 94: 75-89.
  • Dow, S., & Edson, C. (1937) “Chryseis: A Study of the Evidence in Regard to the Mother of Philip V”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 48, 127-180. doi:10.2307/310693
  • Egetenmeier, Philip (2021). Zwischen zwei Welten: die Königsfreunde im Dialog zwischen Städten und Monarchen vom Jahr der Könige bis zum Frieden von Apameia (306-188 v. Chr.). Stuttgart: Steiner.
  • Fine, John V. A. (1934) “The Mother of Philip V of Macedon”, The Classical Quarterly, 28(2), 99-104.
  • Kuzmin, Y. N. (2022) “Phila and Phthia: the Names of Antigonid Queens in Two Recently Published Athenian Decrees”, ZPE 221: 113–120.
  • Landucci, F. (2019) “Gli intellettuali a corte: storia di una presenza dalla corte macedone alle corti ellenistiche” in Bearzot, C., Landucci, F., Zecchini, G. (ed.), Migranti e lavoro qualificato nel mondo antico, Vita e Pensiero, MILANO — ITA 2019: 51- 69.
  • Le Bohec, S. (1981) “Phthia, Mere de Philippe V: Examen Critique des Sources”, Revue Des Études Grecques,94(445/446), 34-46.
  • Miron, D. (2000) “Transmitters and Representatives of Power: Royal Women in Ancient Macedonia”, Ancient Society, 30, 35-52.
  • Ogden, D. (2023) Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties, 2nd edition, London.
  • O’Neil, J. (2003) “The Ethnic Origins of the Friends of the Antigonid Kings of Macedon”, Classical Quarterly, 53(2), 510-522.
  • Strootman, F. (2021) ‘Women and Dynasty at the Hellenistic Imperial Courts’, in The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World, ed. by E. D. Carney & S. Müller (Abingdon: Routledge) pp. 333-45.

7. The Antigonids and Cults/Religious Activity

  • Eckhardt, B. (2017) ‘Der Krieg, die Götter, die Frauen. Zur Herrschaftsrepräsentation des Demetrios I. Poliorketes’ in Beck, Eckhardt, Michels & Richter (eds.) Von Magna Graecia
    nach Asia Minor: Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 197-210.
  • Kravaritou, S. (March 2023) “Herakles and Herakles Kynagidas as in Magnesia and Perrhaibia”, Tekmeria 17: 101-172.
  • Landucci, F. (2016) “The Antigonids and the Ruler Cult. Global and Local Perspectives?”, ERGA / LOGOI, 4: 39-60.
  • Lorenzo, K. (2020), ‘Early Hellenistic Royal Ideology and the Marine Thiasos of the Monument of the Bulls on Delos’, Classical World, 113.4: 435-63.
  • Mari, M. (2017b). ‘Local’ and ‘national’ cults in Macedonian royal letters and diagrammata.’ In S. Kravaritou and M. Stamatopoulou (eds.) Religious Interactions in the Hellenistic World, Proceedings of the international conference, Oxford, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies, March 18 – 19, 2017. Oxford.
  • Raynor, B. (2016) “Theorodokoi, Asylia, and the Macedonian Cities”, GRBS 56.2, 225-262.
  • Rose, T. (2018) “Demetrius Poliorcetes, Kairos, and the Sacred and Civil Calendars of Athens.”  Historia 67(3), 258-287.

8. The Antigonids and the Greeks:

  • Badian, E, (1982) “Greeks and Macedonians”, Studies in the History of Art, 10, 33-51.
  • Buraselis, K. (1982) Das Hellenistische Makedonien und die Agai͏̈s: Forschungen zur Politik des Kassandros und der drei ersten Antigoniden (Antigonos Monopthalmos, Demetrios Poliorketes, und Antigonos Gonatas) im Ägäischen Meer und in Westkleinasien, C.H.Beck.
  • Buraselis, K. (2021) ‘Symbiosis of Koinon and King: Remarks on the Interconnections between Greek Koina and Hellenistic Monarchs’, in The Koina of Southern Greece: Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism, ed. by C. Grandjean (Bordeaux: Ausonius), pp. 95-102.
  • Chrysafis, C. (2019) “A Note on the history of Hellenistic Megara: Τhe date of the Antigonid garrison in Aegosthena”, Tekmeria, 14, 181-202.
  • Chrysafis, C. (2022) “Garnisonssoldaten und städtisches Milieu: Untersuchungen zur Einsetzung antigonidischer Garnisonen in den griechischen Städten”, In: Sänger P. – Scheuble-Reiter S.(eds.), Söldner und Berufsoldaten in der griechischen Welt, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 87-108.
  • Edson, C. (1934) “The Antigonids, Heracles, and Beroea”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 45, 213-246. doi:10.2307/310636
  • Egetenmeier, Philip (2021). Zwischen zwei Welten: die Königsfreunde im Dialog zwischen Städten und Monarchen vom Jahr der Könige bis zum Frieden von Apameia (306-188 v. Chr.). Stuttgart: Steiner.
  • Filias, D. (2021). ‘Ho boulomenos in the legal procedure of the Hellenic League of 302 B. C. and Athenian influence on the prosecution systems of the Panhellenic Leagues.’ The Ancient History Bulletin = Revue d’Histoire Ancienne, 35(3-4): 125-149.
  • Kralli, I. (2016) The Hellenistic Peloponnese: Interstate Relations. A Narrative and Analytic History, 371-146 BC, Swansea.
  • Mendels, D. (1978) Perseus and the socio-economic question in Greece (179-172/1B.C.) : a study in Roman propaganda, Louvain.
  • Pinault, C. (2021) ‘King Perseus and Koina: Diplomatic Stakes in Greece from 179 to 168 BC’, in The Koina of Southern Greece: Historical and Numismatic Studies in Ancient Greek Federalism, ed. by C. Grandjean (Bordeaux: Ausonius), pp. 119-30.
  • Scherberich, K. (2009) Koinè symmachía : Untersuchungen zum Hellenenbund Antigonos’ III. Doson und Philipps V. (224-197 v. Chr.), Stuttgart, Steiner.
  • Shipley, G. (2008) “Approaching the Macedonian Peloponnese”. in Grandjean, C. (ed.) Le Péloponnèse d’Épaminondas à Hadrien (Ausonius études, 21; Bordeaux/Paris: Ausonius/De Boccard), 53-68.
  • Shipley, G. (2018) The Early Hellenistic Peloponnese: Politics, Economies, and Networks 338-197 BC, Cambridge.

9. The Antigonid Army, Navy, and Military Activity

  • Chrysafis, C. (2014) “Pyrokausis: Its meaning and function in the organisation of the Macedonian army”, Klio 96.2,  455-468.
  • Chrysafis, C. (2019) “A Note on the history of Hellenistic Megara: Τhe date of the Antigonid garrison in Aegosthena”, Tekmeria, 14, 181-202.
  • Chrysafis, C. (2022) “Garnisonssoldaten und städtisches Milieu: Untersuchungen zur Einsetzung antigonidischer Garnisonen in den griechischen Städten”, In: Sänger P. – Scheuble-Reiter S.(eds.), Söldner und Berufsoldaten in der griechischen Welt, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 87-108.
  • Juhel, P. (2017) Autour de l’infanterie d’élite macédonienne à l’époque du royaume antigonide: Cinq études militaires entre histoire, philogie, et archéologie. Oxford.
  • Landucci, F. (2003) “Tra monarchia nazionale e monarchia militare: il caso della Macedonia”, in Bearzot, C. S., Landucci, F., Zecchini, G. (ed.) Gli stati territoriali nel mondo antico, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2003: 199- 224.
  • Wrightson, G. (2023) The Third Macedonian War and Battle of Pydna: Perseus’ Neglect of Combined-arms Tactics and the Real Reasons for the Roman Victory, Pen & Sword.

10. Antigonus I Monophthalmus

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16. Perseus

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