Tools for Schools
  • Tools for Schools

    For people who struggle with attention, impulsivity or hyperactivity & families

    Education for Parents and Carers – MindEd

    Are you a parent or carer who is concerned about the mental health of your child or teenager? Do you just want some hints and tips on parenting? MindEd for Families has advice and information from trusted experts and will help you to understand what problems occur, what you can do to best support your family, and how to take care of yourself. MindEd for Families is written by a team of specialists and parents, working together.

    The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity 

    The ADHD Foundation is a charity offering a unique lifespan – strength based service, for the 1 in 5 people who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourette’s syndrome.

    They provide a comprehensive list of resources for parents and carers and young people.

    Art + Neurodiversity – Dr Kai Syng Tan Art Projects

    #MAGICCARPET: We Sat On A Mat and Had a Chat and Made Maps! #MagicCarpet was an award-winning art-psychiatry commission. It brought visual art practice and research in dialogue with psychiatric research, with the case study of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and how that relates to the phenomena of mind wandering to explore constructs and boundaries of ‘normality’.

    Image – Ada Lovelace appearing on tapestry art as it is weaved at Flanders Tapestry in Belgium, the same factory that created the works of Grayson Perry. Weaving art, craft, craftiness, mental health, ADHD, gender and more together. Art-psychiatry commission #MagicCarpet (Kai Syng Tan 2017-2019)

    ADDitude Magazine: Inside the ADHD Mind 

    The nation’s leading source of important news, expert advice, and judgment-free understanding for families and adults living with attention deficit disorder, ADDitude is your voice and your advocate.

    University of Exeter CATCh-uS Study –  Service Map 

    The CATCh-uS study (funded by the NIHR) developed a UK service map for children and adolescents transitioning to adult services. The map can be found in full on the UK Adult ADHD Network (UKAAN) website.