Tools for Schools
  • Tools for Schools

    Role of Parents & Guardians

    The main goal of this toolkit is to help your child to stay in the classroom and get the same out of their school experience as their classmates. The school will use the toolkit with your child to help them reach small, achievable goals. But we also want to make sure you are involved and understand what is happening with your child.

    The 5 items below are the main areas where you can get involved. Some of them are to do with the delivery of the toolkit, others are to help us evaluate it. In total we do not expect you to spend more than 15 hours on this over the course of 1 school term.

    To thank you for your contribution to our research we will provide £20 to your family for participating.

    A breakdown of the time you can expect to dedicate to each stage of the process is shown here. You could also use this as a checklist if you wish to.


    We may ask you to complete a small questionnaire at the start of the study to ensure you and your child can take part. This will ask about your child's ability to pay attention, and any impulsiveness/hyperactivity.
    We will also ask you to consent to the research and provide consent for your child. You will be provided with more information on this once you have decided to take part in the study.

    We will make some online training available to you which can be completed at any time. This training will consist of some videos and small activities to help you learn about what causes certain children to have difficulties paying attention, being impulsive or hyperactive. Understanding the general causes of these behaviours will help you get to know the specific issues your child faces later in the toolkit.
    This training will also include more detail on how the toolkit works.
    Click here or here to see some examples of the training videos we may provide.
    Understand motivations & setting 'targets'

    To make sure you are included in the whole process, you will be able to see which strategies the school is using with your child. Class teachers may ask you to use similar strategies at home.
    The digital "school-home notebook” will be used for regular positive communication between yourself and school staff – this will include reports of your child's goals and progress, rather than reporting problems. You will agree with the teacher and the SENDCo about how often this notebook should be used (e.g., every day or twice a week). 

    A breakdown of the time you can expect to dedicate to each stage of the process is shown here. You could also use this as a checklist if you wish to.