Our accommodation applications have been open for a while but we know that some people are still making a decision about whether to put Exeter as their Firm choice or not. Here we’ll explain what happens about accommodation if Exeter is your insurance choice.
Can I still apply for University accommodation if Exeter is my insurance choice?
No. Probably the most important point to make is that you will only be able to apply for accommodation at Exeter if you have made us your Firm choice. If we are your Insurance choice, you will not be able to create an accommodation account or begin the application process until you change your decision and make us your Firm choice.
For most students this is likely to happen once your exam results come out, but if this is after 31 July 2024, while you can still apply you will not be covered by our accommodation guarantee.
What happens if I submit an application after 31 July 2024?
You will still be able to submit an application for accommodation to us after this date but, whether we will be able to make an offer to you will depend entirely on how successful the students who were in our “guaranteed” pot have been in their exams. If everyone does really well, then that means we will fill up all our rooms and not have anything left over to offer to the post-guarantee applicants.
If some of the guaranteed applicants sadly don’t achieve the grades needed to come to Exeter then this will free up some rooms, which we can offer to the post-guarantee applicants.
How will I know if there are rooms left available after 31 July 2024?
We can’t predict what will happen each year (as much as we’d love to!), but we do try to communicate as soon as possible after A-level results day whether we might have availability, or whether you will need to look at private sector accommodation. This is likely to be in a blog like this, on our Facebook page or on our Clearing webpage.
What should I do if I can’t get accommodation at the University?
If we are unable to offer you accommodation, then you will need to look in the private sector. We have lots of online resources about how to start this search and the options you might have, and this might be in privately-run halls of residence in the city which would offer you a very similar experience to our own residences.

What else do I need to know about applying after 31 July 2024?
Our accommodation application form changes after the guarantee deadline, and you will not be able to select a preference for a particular residence, only a preferred type of accommodation (e.g. self-catered or catered, and standard, en-suite or studio). Typically, the types of accommodation we have previously been able to offer to post-guarantee applicants are self-catered off-campus residences or standard catered rooms.
You can find out more about applying after the guarantee deadline on our dedicated webpage.
What if I have Exeter as both my firm and insurance choice?
If this is the case because you have two different course offers, then you will be able to apply within the guarantee period, but if you end up coming through on your Insurance choice course then your application will be rejected. You must then contact us to ask for your application to be reinstated but, as you will no longer fall within our accommodation guarantee, whether we will be able to make you an offer of accommodation will depend on our remaining availability. If this scenario might apply to you then we recommend you read the information on the accommodation guarantee webpage.
We hope this information helps you to consider your options and make the decision that is right for you.