Wowee! It’s here! You’re here! No need to count down any longer because it has finally arrived! You are now at the beginning of the […]
Category: Postgraduate
Rooms! Rooms! Rooms!
WELCOME TO OUR NEW STUDENTS ARRIVING TODAY, TOMORROW AND SUNDAY! We hope you settle in and enjoy your first few days with us. Please refer to […]
We are commencing countdown…
5…4…3…2…1…ARRIVALS! Well time is certainly ticking away quickly until you all begin to arrive with us this weekend. We are so excited to welcome all of […]
Be prepared
Today is the start of Training Week for the Residence Life Mentors (see the below picture), and as part of our preparations the team have […]
Hello! Goodbye!
So tomorrow, we wave goodbye to many students who have been staying within our residences on a 51 week contract tomorrow. However, we are also welcoming many […]
The final countdown
We are now counting down in single figures until you are all due to arrive, fresh faced and raring to go for Arrivals Weekend. Now […]
Offers ahoy!
All accommodation offers have now been sent out to students, so please ensure that you are checking your email inbox, including your junk/SPAM folder to make […]
Book your arrival time
We are taking a number of calls about Arrivals Weekend and when you will be able to book your arrival slots online. Please note that, […]
Arrivals Weekend
As you may have noticed, the song inspired blog titles have ended as of today. A few may slip in occasionally but I was really […]
Help me if you can..
…Help me if you can, I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being ’round. You may be yelling that well known Beatles song because you […]