Applied Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems blog

Welcome to this blog! This was set up as a way to give news and opportunities about nonautonomous dynamical systems with a view to applications! In mathematical terms: An autonomous dynamical systems may have a state that changes with time, the mathematical rules that govern these changes stay the same. For example, a planet moves… Continue reading Applied Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems blog

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LxDS spring school Lisbon 2024

The LxDS-Lisbon Dynamical Systems Group, together with, CEMAPRE and CMAFcIO are organizing a 3-day spring school (27th to 29th May 2024) on dynamical systems to be held at FCUL/ULisboa, Portugal. The school will consist on three mini-courses: •             Arnold diffusion through geometric methods (Tere M-Seara, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), •             Nonautonomous dynamical systems: theory and… Continue reading LxDS spring school Lisbon 2024

Tipping points and non-autonomous systems?

A reason that nonautonomous systems are relevant is that they provide a framework to discuss transitions of a nonlinear system through a “tipping point”. For slow variation of an input forcing, nonlinear systems may have sudden changes in the number of stable states due to some of them becoming unstable. This gets even more interesting… Continue reading Tipping points and non-autonomous systems?

Journal launches twin focus issues on research challenges in Applied Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

The AIP Publishing journal Chaos is calling for papers for two focus issues on current research challenges in this area. This Focus Issue Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems: Theory, Methods, and Applications is being published jointly with Nonautonomous Dynamics in the Climate Sciences. We encourage authors to submit their papers to whichever Focus Issue best fits their… Continue reading Journal launches twin focus issues on research challenges in Applied Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

International Meeting on Nonautonomous Dynamics at Dresden, NADCOM23, October 2023

There will be one of the first meetings on nonautonomous dynamics with an emphasis on applications at the Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden. This runs from 9th October 2023 for three weeks. This workshop aims to bring together scientists from various disciplines of the natural and physical sciences, particularly from research areas… Continue reading International Meeting on Nonautonomous Dynamics at Dresden, NADCOM23, October 2023