Applied Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems blog

Welcome to this blog! This was set up as a way to give news and opportunities about nonautonomous dynamical systems with a view to applications! In mathematical terms:

  • An autonomous dynamical systems may have a state that changes with time, the mathematical rules that govern these changes stay the same. For example, a planet moves around the sun in an orbit that is well-described by gravitational attraction.
  • A nonautonomous dynamical system may have mathematical rules that change with time – examples here include systems where there is an external input that is changing in an irreversible manner. For example, the earth’s climate responds to significant changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide that over the last few hundred years.

Although the mathematics of autonomous systems are well worked out, those of nonautonomous systems are much more trickly – mainly because things can be nonautonomous in so many ways. There are deep mathematical results about general aspects of behaviours, but little that can be said about specific instabilities or how things depart from the autonomous picture.

In this blog I highlight some interesting recent research in nonautonomous systems and applications to various systems.

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