International Meeting on Nonautonomous Dynamics at Dresden, NADCOM23, October 2023

There will be one of the first meetings on nonautonomous dynamics with an emphasis on applications at the Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden. This runs from 9th October 2023 for three weeks. This workshop aims to bring together scientists from various disciplines of the natural and physical sciences, particularly from research areas dealing with complex systems and applications to aspects of earth system science, biosciences and network dynamics. The workshop will focus on mathematical approaches, methodologies and applications where non-autonomous, multiple timescale and transient dynamics are important to understand and predict nonlinear behaviour such as critical transitions in complex systems.

We plan a two-week training seminar for PhD students and other early career researchers during the weeks immediately before (9-13 October) and after (24-27 October) the one-week research workshop (16-20 October). The seminar program will include introductory lectures as well as more advanced lectures to address both methodological problems and problems from applications, all related to the topics of the workshop shown on the website. In addition, it is planned to have one or more short courses, some of which may include also hands-on activities on the computer. The attendees will give short talks about their own research projects at the start of the seminar to foster the discussion among themselves but also with the organizers and senior scientists present. Furthermore, we will stimulate collaborations between young researchers and senior scientists by offering joint research mini-projects for attendees, which can also be solved in small groups. Details are on

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