BioResilience – Colombia

In category: collaboration

Making Worlds: Natures, Technologies, and Futures 

 Monica Amador & Naomi Millner  The 23th and 24th of march 2022 saw the international seminar Making Worlds: Nature, Technologies, and Futures, take place in Bogota-Colombia. This seminar, organised by Naomi Millner and Monica Amador, in collaboration with the Universidad EAN, the Universidad Nacional, The Universidad del Rosario and the BioResilience project (funded by NERC-AHRC), brought […]


Efforts to Promote Environmental Governance in Serranía de las Quinchas

Camilo Altamar Giraldo, Master Student Universidad de Manizales and Mónica Amador, University of Bristol  (Translation and comments: Juan Riaño and Naomi Millner) Environmental governance is a central element of socio-ecological resilience, so its study is essential to understand the dynamics that are used in the territories, especially in those ecosystems where the biophysical component is […]


Developing an animation to communicate science in Colombia

Researchers from the Colombia BioResilience project have been working with an artist/writer to develop an animation that communicates information about the physical and social science from the BioResilience project and about a short story written about forest conservation in Colombia. The animation will be presented at the Hay Festival on the 24th May 2020.


From the Amazon in Brazil, to the Serranía de las Quinchas in Colombia: Why we should stop blaming deforestation to impoverished rural communities.

By: Juan Felipe Riaño Landazabal, Master Student Universidad Javeriana In 2019, daunting photos of a fire-consumed Amazon made the frontpage[1] on the world’s top newspapers[2]. The fires triggered global concerns about the deforestation rates of the Amazon rainforest, especially under Brazil’s far-right president Bolsonaro, who has publicly stated that the country’s protected areas are an obstacle […]


Disonancia Sugerida, experimento artístico en el espacio intermedio

Suggested Dissonance is an invitation to an artistic research process by sharing cross-sectional narratives to questions and encounters. This path will take us through the forest, the relational, the interdisciplinary, the sense of belonging, the notion of place, exchange and dialogue between different kinds of knowledge which are intertwined concepts in a space in between. […]


Artist in residence, Seila Fernández Arconada

Seila Fernández Arconada will be undertaking an artist placement at the project BioResilience Colombia during a 3 months period between the 2nd of May and the 28th of July in 2019. This is part of the BioResilience’s project cross-component integration (socio-cultural/palaeoecology/forest ecology) and outreach work through joint funding from the UK Arts and Humanities Research […]
