BioResilience – Colombia

In category: Dry forests

Recovering long-term vegetation and environmental records in Andean ecosystems of Colombia

In June 2019, the BioResilience project palaeoecology team visited and sampled lakes from contrasting regions in terms of natural ecosystems and cultures. We crossed the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia from the lowland forests in the mid-Magdalena Valley to High Andean forest in the Cundiboyacense Plateau, covering an altitudinal transect from 200 to 3000 m asl. […]


The importance of tropical dry forests

The BioResilience project works across a gradient of forest types in Colombia, ranging from wet to dry forests, and representing structurally intact, degraded forests, and silvopastural systems. This film provides an excellent overview of the importance of dry forests in the tropics.
