BioResilience – Colombia

In category: Storytelling

Making Worlds: Natures, Technologies, and Futures 

 Monica Amador & Naomi Millner  The 23th and 24th of march 2022 saw the international seminar Making Worlds: Nature, Technologies, and Futures, take place in Bogota-Colombia. This seminar, organised by Naomi Millner and Monica Amador, in collaboration with the Universidad EAN, the Universidad Nacional, The Universidad del Rosario and the BioResilience project (funded by NERC-AHRC), brought […]



By: Julieth Serrano and Monica Amador   At the top of the mountains gathered more than 60 attendees including undergraduate and postgraduate students, senior researchers, and representatives from NERC and ColombiaBio. During this public engagement event we used short films, storytelling and interactive games to highlight the importance of high altitude ecosystems in the Andes […]


Developing an animation to communicate science in Colombia

Researchers from the Colombia BioResilience project have been working with an artist/writer to develop an animation that communicates information about the physical and social science from the BioResilience project and about a short story written about forest conservation in Colombia. The animation will be presented at the Hay Festival on the 24th May 2020.


Science and storytelling: Glacier Shallap – Or the Sad Tale of a Dying Glacier

What happens when climate science merges with storytelling? A recent film from the Trans.MISSION series that has just launched online, Glacier Shallap – Or the Sad Tale of a Dying Glacier, explores this question.


Recovering long-term vegetation and environmental records in Andean ecosystems of Colombia

In June 2019, the BioResilience project palaeoecology team visited and sampled lakes from contrasting regions in terms of natural ecosystems and cultures. We crossed the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia from the lowland forests in the mid-Magdalena Valley to High Andean forest in the Cundiboyacense Plateau, covering an altitudinal transect from 200 to 3000 m asl. […]


Disonancia Sugerida, experimento artístico en el espacio intermedio

Suggested Dissonance is an invitation to an artistic research process by sharing cross-sectional narratives to questions and encounters. This path will take us through the forest, the relational, the interdisciplinary, the sense of belonging, the notion of place, exchange and dialogue between different kinds of knowledge which are intertwined concepts in a space in between. […]
