BioResilience – Colombia

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By: Julieth Serrano and Monica Amador   At the top of the mountains gathered more than 60 attendees including undergraduate and postgraduate students, senior researchers, and representatives from NERC and ColombiaBio. During this public engagement event we used short films, storytelling and interactive games to highlight the importance of high altitude ecosystems in the Andes […]


The return of the Paujil to the Serranía de las Quinchas

Mónica Amador-Jiménez, University of Bristol According to Colombian scientists, there are approximately only 2500 individuals left of the endemic bird species Paujil, and the primary threats against the Blue-billed Curassow, as it is called in English, are deforestation and hunting. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature affirms that Crax Alberti, the scientific name […]


From the Amazon in Brazil, to the Serranía de las Quinchas in Colombia: Why we should stop blaming deforestation to impoverished rural communities.

By: Juan Felipe Riaño Landazabal, Master Student Universidad Javeriana In 2019, daunting photos of a fire-consumed Amazon made the frontpage[1] on the world’s top newspapers[2]. The fires triggered global concerns about the deforestation rates of the Amazon rainforest, especially under Brazil’s far-right president Bolsonaro, who has publicly stated that the country’s protected areas are an obstacle […]


Serranía de las Quinchas: Indigenous Embera and Spirits Entangled

  Mónica Amador-Jiménez, University of Bristol Travelling from Puerto Boyacá to the Serranía de las Quinchas Regional Park, about halfway to las Quinchas you arrive at a farm called “Triple G.” This farm, which looks like most other cattle and pasture farms in this region, is close to the Embera Cabildo, an indigenous settlement that […]


Women of the Serranía de las Quinchas: Gender, Mujeres and Environment

Mónica Amador-Jiménez, University of Bristol There is a current within environmental feminism theory and practice that suggests that women are more willing or even naturally sensitive to environmental problems since they have ethics of care that men do not have. This perspective within gender theory and feminism has been criticized for its essentialism; that there […]


Serranía de las Quinchas: Introducing our fieldsites

  By Monica Amador, with Naomi Millner   Parque Natural Regional Serrania de las Quinchas Corregimiento of Puerto Pinzón and Caserio La Arenosa – Puerto Boyacá-Boyacá Type of forest: Humid Tropical Lowland Forest Inhabitants: 450 children and adults (registered by the municipality)   In 2006, the right-wing paramilitary bloc of Puerto Boyacá was demobilized. This […]


Disonancia Sugerida, experimento artístico en el espacio intermedio

Suggested Dissonance is an invitation to an artistic research process by sharing cross-sectional narratives to questions and encounters. This path will take us through the forest, the relational, the interdisciplinary, the sense of belonging, the notion of place, exchange and dialogue between different kinds of knowledge which are intertwined concepts in a space in between. […]


Collaboration with San Bartolomé School

San Bartolomé is the oldest school in Bogotá which laid the first stone to the later universities such as Universidad Nacional and Javeriana. Dr. Dunia Urrego suggested this school as a context for collaborative dialogue. This process began with a number of meetings with the Dean, Father Juan Manuel and the Director Wilson Alonso.  The […]


Presentation, deep mapping

I was asked to present a “work in progress” intervention in the Social Sciences team meeting at the Instituto Humboldt. This presentation was included in the section“Knowledge systems”.  For this presentation I followed a deep mapping strategy trying to generate further transversal narratives across concepts, questions, methods and encounters; ingredients that feed the following outcomes […]


Visit to Monquentiva


Resilience workshop

This workshop was facilitated by Olga Lucia Hernandez and Seila Fernández Arconada with a number of previous discussions between Mónica Amador, Olga Lucia Hernández, Alejandra Osejo y Seila Fernández Arconada in order to accomplish the program of the day. There was an intervention at the windows of the workshop room. Each window holds a concept […]


Meeting the research components

First virtual meetings are already taking place. The aim is to understand all components of the team looking for ways to integrate and generate spaces in between disciplines.  How can an artist contribute in such a project? What has been tackled in the project so far? What do we mean by interdisciplinary collaboration? What are […]


BioResilience Colombia pre-fieldwork trip

Team members from the BioResilience project conducted a preliminary scouting trip to sites in Boyaca and Cundinamarca, marking the beginning of the three-year project.
