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    Dr Saumya Singh

    Research Fellow

    Saumya obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Science (Chemistry) from St. Stephens College, University of Delhi, India. Her majors were Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Developing an interest in chemistry, she pursued a Masters in Chemistry, from the Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, India with a specialization in Physical Chemistry. She tried learning many different techniques in Masters like X-ray diffraction, vibrational spectroscopy, NMR and Mass Spectrometry. She started developing an interest in biomedical applications of vibrational spectroscopy. She received her PhD degree from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 2023 in Bio-photonics. During her PhD, her main area of interest was to study different biomedical applications of Raman spectroscopy, particularly detecting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in clinical isolates; she has also worked on the identification of ESKAPE pathogens at the single-cell level in clinical samples using Raman spectroscopy and deep learning.

    She has joined the University of Exeter, UK as a post-doctoral fellow and has been working with Prof Nick Stone since May 2023. Saumya is currently a post-doctoral fellow in the TROPHY EU (ultra-fast holographic microscopy) project, collaborating with different universities in the EU and Cambridge University. Her main expertise is Raman spectroscopy, FT-IR, PT-IR and machine learning. The project aimed to develop a label-free, rapid, non-invasive microscope for analysing unstained biopsies at ultrafast timescales.