Communications, Drama and Film – Practice Blog

Communications, Drama and Film – Practice Blog

Celebrating the breadth and variety of practical work in the department


MA Theatre Practice Residency at the Shakespeare’s Globe

In early May 2024, the students of the MA Theatre Practice (Training & Performance Pathway) took up a week-long residency at The Globe. Their course consisted of acting, voice and...

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Posted by jgprimro on 10 May 2024

What is there left for art to do?

Thank you so much to T.Sasitharan from Intercultural Theatre Institute Singapore for an inspiring workshop with our MAs, PhDs and undergrads on interculturalism and theatre followed by a thought-provoking Research...

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Posted by jgprimro on 8 May 2024

Theatre is Dead! Long Live Theatre!

The Term 3 Festival launched with a world premiere of a new dark comedy written by Peter Oswald and performed by Peter and Howard Gayton, as part of his PhD...

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Posted by jgprimro on 3 May 2024

The Judy Project premiere in London

Sunday 12 May 2024 – Shows throughout the day 12:30 – 17:30Come to see a Punch & Judy like none you have seen before! Spike “Bones” Lidington will premiere his show at...

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Posted by jgprimro on 30 April 2024

Popular Performance Practices

2nd year students performing with their ‘Royal Box’ peepshow outside the Roborough Building, inspired by working with the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum collection and Dr Tony Lidington on the ‘Popular Performance...

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Posted by jgprimro on 21 March 2024

Punch in May

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Alissa Mello, is collaborating on a new Punch and Judy show with the fabulous Spike “Bones” Lidington, Tony “Uncle Tacko!” Lidington, and Promenade Promotions ( in consultation with Naomi...

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Posted by jgprimro on 15 March 2024

Devising Discovery Day

Our second year Applied Drama students, facilitated by Erin Walcon and her team at Doorstep Arts, have run a weekend Devising Discovery Platform event for students from local schools. The...

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Posted by jgprimro on 12 February 2024

Archival Encounters

Students on the MA Film & Screen Studies produced a public-facing exhibition as part of the Archival Encounters module. Using artefacts from the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, supported by the...

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Posted by jgprimro on 26 January 2024

New Games Space at Thornlea

The CDF Tech team have worked with Communications academic staff to design and build a newly-configured Multimedia and Gaming space to be used on the Games Studies module this term....

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Posted by jgprimro on 19 January 2024

Honorary Degree for Lord Puttnam

Some Exeter Film students had the opportunity to meet with David Puttnam on their graduation day when he came to receive his Honorary Degree. They enjoyed a tour of the...

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Posted by jgprimro on 11 January 2024

New Podcast – Sip N Spill

Communications students have started a new podcast. Sip n Spill focuses on themes related to cultural studies, and will feature interviews with members of the Comms team and industry professionals,...

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Posted by jgprimro on 8 January 2024

MA Theatre Practice

Course leader Konstantinos Thomaidis ended the term with these words: 145 hours of training later… Term 1 of studio work for the MA Theatre Practice 2023 wraps up! A polaroid...

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Posted by jgprimro on 15 December 2023

Physical Performances

The 3rd year Drama module ‘Physical Performance’ held a series of showings with minimal (but carefully curated) technical and practical elements. Led by tutor Emily Kreider, the groups created some...

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Posted by jgprimro on 14 December 2023

Experimental Showings Bauhaus Inspired

For the 2nd year optional Drama module ‘Theatres of Space, Form and Colour’, students explore histories, concepts, contexts and techniques relevant to European modernist experimentation with performance, with an emphasis...

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Posted by jgprimro on 14 December 2023

BFI Screening of SCALA!!!

A large group of students and staff gathered in the Bill Douglas Cinema in Queens Building to watch an advance screening of the glorious documentary “Scala!!! Or, the Incredibly Strange...

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Posted by jgprimro on 7 December 2023

Comedy Approaching

Second-year Drama optional module Approaches to Comedy introduced a range of performance styles and techniques and culminated in a showing in Roborough Studios.

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Posted by jgprimro on 6 December 2023

MA International Film Business Pop-Up Cinema

The CDF tech team have worked with students on the MA International Film Business to provide equipment and transport for their pop-up cinema projects. This year, these were presented as...

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Posted by jgprimro on 4 December 2023

Ensemble Acting: Co-Creation

This new Drama module involved the students working in small companies to co-create new pieces of performance, led by tutors Erin Walcon and Caleb Lee. The performances shown in the...

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Posted by jgprimro on 23 November 2023

Talk from Rolling Stone Journalist

Nick Reilly from Rolling Stone came to talk to Communications students on 25 October in the Alexander Building. He covered a range of topics from his career breaking pop culture...

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Posted by jgprimro on 25 October 2023

Communications Mixer

Staff and students from the BA Communications programme enjoyed a mixer/quiz/games event at Roborough Studios.

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Posted by jgprimro on 23 October 2023

Acting for Screen Module in new studio

The CDF tech team have re-equipped Studio TS3 to function as a TV Studio for the new Drama ‘Acting for Screen’ module. There are 4 cameras (3 on wheeled tripods,...

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Posted by jgprimro on 2 October 2023

Dedication of TS1 to Prof Phillip Zarrilli

On 22nd September we had a wonderful nourishing evening celebrating the work and legacy of Professor Phillip Zarrilli, as we dedicated Studio TS1 in the Alexander Building ‘The Phillip Zarrilli...

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Posted by jgprimro on 22 September 2023

BBC at Roborough

The CDF tech team have worked with BBC production staff as part of the British Science Festival, to transform Roborough Studios into a TV Studio for the Question Time Special...

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Posted by jgprimro on 8 September 2023

Comrades at the Northcott

On 23rd March 2023, students took to the stage of the Exeter Northcott Theatre to perform Comrades, as the culmination of their 2nd year production module. The radical play with...

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Posted by jgprimro on 23 March 2023

New Student Kitchen in Alexander Building

The former toilet adjacent to TS3 has been converted into a student kitchen, enabling students often working long hours in the building to have some warm food and a hot...

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Posted by jgprimro on 20 September 2022

Podcast Studio

Opened in 2021, this digital facility is based in the Green Room of Roborough Studios, and provides an acoustic pod in which up to 4 people can record a podcast...

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Posted by jgprimro on 10 January 2022