Communications, Drama and Film – Practice Blog
Celebrating the breadth and variety of practical work in the department
The Alexander Digital Experience Lab hosted the PGT module Gaming in Everyday Life (CMMM003) throughout term 1 of the academic year 2024-25 as part of the MA in Media and Communications. During the 12 weeks of the module, the 48 students registered on it played a wide variety of games on the PS5s, engaged with […]
On the 5th of November Exeter Comms hosted a panel on digital leisure in the Global South where ideas on leisure in families, intimacies on dating platforms, toxicities in gaming, young people and their approaches to leisure were brought to the fore by Prof. Usha Raman, Head of Department of Communication, University of Hyderabad, India, […]
The CDF Tech team have worked with Communications academic staff to design and build a newly-configured Multimedia and Gaming space to be used on the Games Studies module this term. The first session was a great success with students exploring the player/game interface on a number of different games on our Sony PS5 setups.
Communications students have started a new podcast. Sip n Spill focuses on themes related to cultural studies, and will feature interviews with members of the Comms team and industry professionals, as well as conversational discussions about pop culture. You can listen to the Podcast on Spotify (thanks to the wonderful Ally Hodge for the jingle). The […]
Nick Reilly from Rolling Stone came to talk to Communications students on 25 October in the Alexander Building. He covered a range of topics from his career breaking pop culture stories, and interviewing musicians and bands. He shared information on pitching news articles, conducting an interview and ethics in journalism.
Staff and students from the BA Communications programme enjoyed a mixer/quiz/games event at Roborough Studios.